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Institute of Computer Graphics
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Our research focuses on basic problems in visual computing and is strongly linked to various disciplines, such as computational imaging and intelligent optics, visual analytics for natural and life sciences, and games user research and analytics.

Our focus branches in three main areas: computer vision and computer graphics, visual data science, and game computing and games analytics. In all three branches, AI/machine learning has become a relevant tool for problem-solving.

Research in visual computing has evolved tremendously in the last decade. Besides classical topics, including image processing, visualization, and rendering, interactive systems such as computational imaging, games, augmented reality, and virtual reality have become more and more relevant. 

Not only the rapid development of graphics hardware and machine learning, but also stronger overlap with interdisciplinary fields, such as computer vision, applied optics, visual perception, and human-computer interaction, shaped visual computing in the previous years and made it into what it is today: an exciting and multidisciplinary field of research with applications in almost all aspects of our modern life.

Logo Institute of Computer Graphics


Johannes Kepler University Linz
Institute of Computer Graphics
Altenberger Straße 69
4040 Linz


Science Park 3, Room 0303
Campusplan (Click Here)


+43 732 2468 6630



Job Openings

Graduate Project Assistant:
Ludic Data Visualization

Four-year, 30-hour per week contract


New Publication

Fusion of Single and Integral Multispectral Aerial Images
Fusion of Single and Integral Multispectral Aerial Images

New Publication

Visualizing the Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Gameplay using Storyline
Visualization: A Study with League of Legends
(CHI PLAY 2023, Honorable Mention Award)
Visualizing the Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Gameplay using Storyline Visualization

New Publication

Synthetic Aperture Anomaly Imaging for Through-Foliage Target Detection
Synthetic Aperture Anomaly Imaging for Through-Foliage Target Detection

New Publication

Drone swarm strategy for the detection and tracking of occluded targets in complex environments
Drone swarm strategy for the detection and tracking of occluded targets in complex environments

New Publication

Evaluation of Color Anomaly Detection in Multispectral Images For Synthetic Aperture Sensing
Evaluation of Color Anomaly Detection

New Publication

Spatio-temporal Analysis of Multi-agent Scheduling Behaviors on Fixed-track Networks
(2022 IEEE 15th Pacific Visualization Symposium)
Spatio-temporal Analysis of Multi-agent Scheduling Behaviors on Fixed-track Networks

New Publication

Fuzzy Spreadsheet: Understanding and Exploring Uncertainties in Tabular Calculations
(IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics)
Fuzy Spreadsheets Teaser
ICG Lab Talk

Erich Kobler

Date: March 26th , 2025, 1:45pm CET, S3 055 / Zoom
Speaker: Erich Kobler
Gadolinium dose reduction in brain MRI
Erich Kobler

B.Sc. & M.Sc. Projects

Open projects proposals and practical courses for Bachelor and Master theses
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