The Setup Of The NMR Center
Three different magnetic field strengths and a variety of probes are available to cover a broad range of detectable nuclei and samples. (solutions as well as solids, from small molecules, to macromolecules)
The 300 MHz system with a broad band observe probe and a sample changer for 16 samples is used for fully automated routine NMR.
The existing 500 MHz Magnet was equipped with the newest electronics and a new console as well as four new probes for liquid and solid samples.
A new 700MHz AvanceIII spectrometer with an Ascend magnet and a TCI cryoprobe allow for high sensitivity and high resolution spectroscopy of (bio-) macromolecules.
Probes & Further Equipment
BBO 109Ag to 1H
BBI 109Ag to 1H
CP/MAS BBO / 3.2mm / MAS: 24kHz
CP/MAS triple resonance: 1H,15N,13C 3.2mm, MAS: 24kHz
TCI cryo probe
sample insertion system