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Research and Impact LAB

Das Research and Impact Lab wurde entwickelt, um Beispiele zu teilen, wie man exzellente Impact Narratives und ein tieferes Verständnis für die Richtlinien entwickelt.


(Das Research and Impact Lab LAB wird in Englisch abgehalten. Die Informationen zu den Veranstaltungen sind daher nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar.)

Nächstes Research and Impact LAB
27. Juni 2024

Thema: EC2U
12:30 - 13:30
MZ 201 B (Multimedia Raum)

Bisherige LABS

The Lab Session was held by Nives Botica Redmayne – Full Professor in Accountancy, Massey University, New Zealand

The Lab Session was held by Dr. Manuel Mühlburger (Institute of Business Informatics)

The Lab session will be held by Barbara Krumay – the Dean for Research and Impact at the JKU Business School

If you are interested in the presentation slides, please send an e-mail to businessschool(at)jku.at

The new Research and Impact Lab is designed to share examples
how to develop an excellent impact narrative and get a deeper
understanding for the guidelines.
The first Lab session will be held by Barbara Krumay – the Dean for
Research and Impact at the JKU Business School

Bilder vom Research and Impact LAB vom 23. Mai 2024

Research and Impact LAB 18.04.2024

Research and Impact LAB vom 25.01.2024