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Podcast Series "Lecture Hall Insights":
Alumni stories.
Podcast Series "Lecture Hall Insights":
Alumni stories.

The JKU Alumni Podcast series continues! Listen in as Wolfgang Spitzenberger, head of HR at Raiffeisenlandesbank OÖ, talks about how he earned a degree while working, and why he took a dip in the univeristy pond.
Header Podcast Spitzenberger; Credit: JKU

A university for those who want to know more! A university for those who want to know more!

The new JKU campaign for young people interested in truly understanding our world.
Kampagne Header; Credit: JKU

Space for Diversity. Space for Diversity.

2024 marks the first time the JKU will celebrate Pride Month in June!
Header Pride Month 2024
Wegweiser, Icon

Space To Choose Your Major.

Discover the academic degree programs offered at the JKU

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drei gehende Studierende im Außengang Keplergebäude
Europe is growing closer together
Logo EC2U


Eight Universities, One Mission - Conducting Research, Studying, and Growing Together.
Metallspitze Füllfeder, Icon

When? Who? How? Where? What?

Important Dates & Deadlines
Aktentasche, Icon

Register to Enroll

Important info about your application to study at the JKU.

Matura - Now What?

6 Steps to find the right major!


News 28.06.2024

The JKU Circus of Knowledge: "Fascination Sharks" Wows the Audience

"Fascination Sharks" is the third part of the successful interactive dance theater series at the Circus of Knowledge.

News 27.06.2024

Inaugural Lectures: Introducing New Professors at the JKU

New professors at the LIT and the School of Education (SoE) held their inaugural lectures at the JKU in June.

F.l.: Hohenwarter, Pitzl-Hagin, Ivanjek, Janko; photo credit: JKU
News 26.06.2024

Tournament Win for the JKU Football Team

Small-pitch football: The JKU team prevailed at the Unisport Austria championship.

2024 Football Tournament; photo credit: UniSport Austria
News 26.06.2024

HER2-positive Breast Cancer: A JKU Study Offers Hope

The study reveals potential options to overcome cancer drug resistance.

„I appreciate the personal contact with professors and the strong education curriculum at the JKU that includes insight into current research.“
Mag. Lukas Kehrer
Graduate of Teacher Education Studies in Math and Physics
Lukas Kehrer


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