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Student Voices: The JKU's Student Podcast Series Continues! Student Voices: The JKU's Student Podcast Series Continues!

Real-life insight into student life at the JKU - listen to the newest episode, “Diploma Degree in Law”, now!
Studierenden-Podcast 2025; Credit: JKU

We've come a long way,
but there's still a long way to go.
We've come a long way,
but there's still a long way to go.

The JKU Science Holidays - Sign Up by March 31! The JKU Science Holidays - Sign Up by March 31!

Physicians wanted: The application period opens soon! Physicians wanted: The application period opens soon!

Creating knowledge, and sharing the findings Creating knowledge, and sharing the findings

The Perfect Team: You and a global economy! The Perfect Team: You and a global economy!

Wegweiser, Icon

Space To Choose Your Major.

Discover the academic degree programs offered at the JKU

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Sign up for an online tour of the JKU campus now.
drei gehende Studierende im Außengang Keplergebäude
The physicist passed away on March 3

The JKU Mourns the Loss of Univ. Prof. Oswald Benka.

Metallspitze Füllfeder, Icon

When? Who? How? Where? What?

Important Dates & Deadlines
Aktentasche, Icon

Register to Enroll

Important info about your application to study at the JKU.

Matura - Now What?


News 14.03.2025

EC2U: Resilience Against the Climate Crisis within Cities and Communities

Joining forces to tackle today's crises: The EC2U remains committed to a range of activities to this end.

News 14.03.2025

The JKU “Tax Talent” Initiative

“Tax Talent” was a unique opportunity for select JKU students to learn more about practicing tax law.

Tax Talents 2025; Credit: JKU
News 12.03.2025

AI Factory Austria (AI:AT) Boosts the National AI Ecosystem

A new, large-scale initiative involving the JKU will favorably influence Austria's artificial intelligence (AI) ecosystem.

AI Factory; Credit: AIAT
News 11.03.2025

“JavaWiz": A New JKU Software Program Simplifies Learning How to Program

Programmers are in high demand – a growing trend that is unlikely to slow in the future.

„I decided to study physics at the JKU so I could acquire a solid, hands-on base-knowledge education that can be immediately applied to solve current issues facing research and industry.“
Wolfgang Schlögelhofer, BSc
Graduate of the Bachelor's Degree Program in Technical Physics
Wolfgang Schlögelhofer


Bachelor's and Diploma Degrees
Discover what you need to know about the Bachelor's and Diploma Degree programs at the JKU.

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New Student? Click here to learn more about evereything you need to know!

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