The JKU Mourns the Loss of Ing. Klaus Haiböck

Ing. Klaus Haiböck passed away during the night of Sunday, July 17, 2022.

Ing. Haiböck began working at the JKU in 2017 at the Department of Facilities Management in the area of project management. Among other projects, he was heavily involved in his role as project manager in construction and maintenance, including the construction of the Kepler Hall and adding new floors to the library. He also played a pivotal role in designing the JKU's outdoor facilities as well as the Circus of Knowledge. Klaus Haiböck was a "hands-on person" who "reached out" to everyone and was always there to lend a hand.

Ing. Haiböck was very popular among his colleagues. The JKU will always remember his uncomplicated and consistently cheerful, good-natured manner and sense of humor.


Klaus Haiböck Klaus Haiböck