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Take part in our art competition as part of #16days #orangetheworld!
Deadline: December 10

As part of the "Orange the World" campaign and since 2008, the United Nations has called for 16 days of activism between November 25 and December 10 to end violence against women and girls.


Here at the JKU are also aim to take a clear stand against gender-specific violence - as well as other forms of violence - by organizing various activities as part of the UN campaign, including an art competition!

[Translate to Englisch:] Titelbild Stoppt Gewalt an Frauen - weiße Schrift auf orangem Hintergrund, rechts neben der Schrift findet sich noch eine erhobene Hand die Stopp signalisiert

Here's how to take part:

  1. Create a drawing/illustration on the topic #orangetheworld. Be creative and draw with whatever you want (analog or digital - it doesn't matter!).
  2. Submit your entry by e-mailing it to: akg(at)jku.at with the words "OrangeTheWorld" in the subject line.
  3. Wtih a bit of luck, you could be drawn as a lucky winner!

Submit your entry by December 10, 2024.

Anyone interested is eligible to enter. Entries will be displayed on campus. The grand prize is a book!


Time & date

November 25, 2024, 00:00 AM

- December 10, 2024, 23:59 PM

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