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"Motherhood and Academia" Meet-Up on February 4, 2025

The JKU Department of Equal Opportunity, Gender Equality, & Diversity would like to extend an invitation to attend the third annual JKU “Motherhood and Academia” meet-up on February 4, 2025, between 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, at the Uni-Center (BR 4).

[Translate to Englisch:] Mutter schiebt ihren Kinderwagen neben dem Uniteich und blickt lächelnd hinein.

This casual and informal meet-up will take place during lunch hour. Light refreshments will be served; babies and small children are very welcome to attend!

Kindly sign up in advance to attend by sending an e-mail to: gleichstellung(at)jku.at

Background Info

The "Motherhood and Academia" initiative has been around in Germany for some time now. The initiative serves as a forum for those who identify as mothers* and who also work in academia. The meet-ups are opportunities to share ideas and information, come together, be supportive to one another.

See: https://www.mutterschaft-wissenschaft.de/, opens an external URL in a new window to learn more!


Time & date

February 04, 2025

11:30 - 13:30 PM

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Conference Room 4, UNI Center, 1st Floor


JKU, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz

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