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A Meet-Up for Family Caregivers

Invitation to a Meet-Up for Family Caregivers

[Translate to Englisch:] Männlich gelesene Person im Rollstuhl und weiblich Begleitung sitzen vorm Uniteich

The Department of Equal Opportunity, Equality & Diversity would like to extend an invitation to the first in-house JKU networking meet-up for family caregivers. The meet-up is an opportunity to share experiences, connect with others, and offer mutual support. The meet-up is an informal, casual gathering during lunch hours; refreshments will be provided.

Why come together?

Family carers often face particularly difficult challenges, including managing both work demands, taking care of family members, and looking after their own personal well-being. It can all take a toll and be emotionally and physically draining at times. Many family carers speak about how hard it is to find some time for themselves, maintain a balance between work and caregiving responsibilities, and, at the same time, stay healthy themselves.

The meet-up is an opportunity to address these issues, share useful tips, and talk with others who are in the same boat. Shared experiences and common moments can deeply impact our connection with one another and provide new opportunities to communicate and bond.

We look forward to welcoming you and sharing information and experiences!

Department of Equal Opportunity, Equality & Diversity


Time & date

April 02, 2025

11:30 - 13:30 PM

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Conference Room 5, UNI Center, 1st Floor


JKU, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz


Abteilung Gleichstellung, Chancengerechtigkeit und Vielfalt

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