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A Voucher to Bind Your Thesis

One Type of Service - Countless Opportunities.

Are you about to graduate? Congratulations!


As a JKU Alumni Club member, you get a € 12 voucher to bind your thesis:

  • Bachelor's,
  • Master's, or
  • Diploma degree thesis

at the Austrian Student Union Shop (located in the Keplergebäude building)

In cooperation with the Austrian Student Union Shop.

Plakat - Gutschein zum Binden deiner Abschlussarbeit

The Austrian Student Union (ÖH) Shop:

Semester Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8.00 AM-5:00 PM / Wednesdays to 6:00 PM
LocationKeplergebäude Building
Semester Hours: Location
Mon-Fri: 8.00 AM-5:00 PM / Wednesdays to 6:00 PM Keplergebäude Building

Do you have questions about this special offer?

Das Kepler Society Karrierecenter von außen
Mitgliedervorteil: Daumen nach oben

Not yet a member?

Become a member and take advantage of this special offer!