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Board of Directors & Board of Trustees.

Board of Directors

Mag. Dr. Michael Strugl MBA
PositionChairman of the Board
Mag. Jutta Oberweger
PositionDeputy Chairman of the Board
Mag. Elke Riemenschneider
PositionBoard Member
Mag. Michael Ehrengruber BSc
Rector  Univ. Prof. Dr. Stefan Koch
PositionExecutive Board Member by virtue of office
Vice Rector Univ. Prof. Dr. Andreas Janko
PositionExecutive Board Member by virtue of office
Dr. Walter Müller
MMag. Sandra Brandstetter
PositionBoard Member
Mag. Florian Hippesroither MBA
PositionChairman of the Board of Trustees by virtue of office
Mag. Stefanie Schauer
PositionBoard Member
Name Position
Mag. Dr. Michael Strugl MBA Chairman of the Board
Mag. Jutta Oberweger Deputy Chairman of the Board
Mag. Elke Riemenschneider Board Member
Mag. Michael Ehrengruber BSc Treasurer
Rector  Univ. Prof. Dr. Stefan Koch Executive Board Member by virtue of office
Vice Rector Univ. Prof. Dr. Andreas Janko Executive Board Member by virtue of office
Dr. Walter Müller Secretary
MMag. Sandra Brandstetter Board Member
Mag. Florian Hippesroither MBA Chairman of the Board of Trustees by virtue of office
Mag. Stefanie Schauer Board Member


Board of Trustees

Mag. Fritz Baumgartner
CompanyPwC of Upper Austria
Mag. Johannes Michael  
CompanyEnergie AG of Upper Austria
Mag. Dr. Johannes Brunner
CompanyB.I. Personal- und Managementberatungs GmbH

Dr. Regina Fechter, MAS MSc

CompanyCouncilwoman (retired)
Mag. Christian Forsterleitner 
CompanyKe Kelit
Austrian Student Union Chair, Philipp Bergsmann
CompanyAustrian Student Union, JKU
State Council Mag. Dr. Wolfgang Hattmannsdorfer
CompanyUpper Austrian State Goverment
Mag. Florian Hippesroither, MBA
Mag. Alexander Fischer
CompanyHYPO Oberösterreichische Landesbank AG
Rector Univ. Prof. Dr. Stefan Koch
CompanyJohannes Kepler University
VR Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Janko
CompanyJohannes Kepler University
Mag. Gerald Mandlbauer   
CompanyOÖN Redaktion GmbH & Co KG
Univ.-Prof. DDr. Johann Höller
CompanyJohannes Kepler University
Mag. Kurt Rammerstorfer   
Companyi. R.
Mag. Sabine Schgör   
CompanyResch & Frisch Franchise GmbH  
Dir.-Stv. Dr. Gerald Silberhumer
CompanyUpper Austrian Economic Chamber
Name Company
Mag. Fritz Baumgartner PwC of Upper Austria
Mag. Johannes Michael  
Energie AG of Upper Austria
Mag. Dr. Johannes Brunner B.I. Personal- und Managementberatungs GmbH

Dr. Regina Fechter, MAS MSc

Councilwoman (retired)
Mag. Christian Forsterleitner  Ke Kelit
Austrian Student Union Chair, Philipp Bergsmann Austrian Student Union, JKU
State Council Mag. Dr. Wolfgang Hattmannsdorfer Upper Austrian State Goverment
Mag. Florian Hippesroither, MBA gourmetfein
Mag. Alexander Fischer HYPO Oberösterreichische Landesbank AG
Rector Univ. Prof. Dr. Stefan Koch Johannes Kepler University
VR Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Janko Johannes Kepler University
Mag. Gerald Mandlbauer    OÖN Redaktion GmbH & Co KG
Univ.-Prof. DDr. Johann Höller Johannes Kepler University
Mag. Kurt Rammerstorfer    i. R.
Mag. Sabine Schgör    Resch & Frisch Franchise GmbH  
Dir.-Stv. Dr. Gerald Silberhumer Upper Austrian Economic Chamber