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Connecting people.

The more you know, the more opportunities you have.

As your indispensable JKU career network, we can open new doors. The Alumni Club is the JKU's beating heart, providing unique opportunities and connections to give you a decisive head start:

Your JKU Alumni Club has formed alumni groups in cities and countries abroad for even more opportunities as you embark on your professional future.

For example, JKU alumni currently meet up in Vienna, London, Zurich, San Francisco, Madrid, the Netherlands, and Boston to to establish connections, exchange experiences, and socialize.

Contact our alumni coordinators and become an active part of our network!

The JKU Alumni Club: Keeping the JKU spirit alive.

Alumni Groups Near You


Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenbergerstraße 69
4040 Linz


Sabine Luckeneder


+43 732 2468 5133

Austrian Alumni Groups

International Alumni Groups

Become an active coordinator!