A collaborative program at the Johannes Kepler University Linz and at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
As a transformative force behind new radical ideas and when it comes to both artistic and scientific discovery, creativity is a pivotal driving force. Creativity can reveal, visualize and create new contexts. Given the growing complexity of contemporary challenges as well as social and digital transformation, the ability to come up with new ideas and explore new paths is more important than ever before. The idea is is to address issues as a whole and take a more multidimensional approach; applying the tools and approaches from just one particular field and subject area is not enough.
We need science and art, but more importantly, we need their mutual inspiration and synergies. Creating our future requires urgently embracing a transdisciplinary approach along with inclusive research that goes beyond subject-specific constraints and one that progressively focuses on social advancements. In the spirit of future-oriented “responsible technology”, these pursuits play a key role in research and development.
Based on these objectives, the Johannes Kepler University and the University of Applied Arts Vienna launched the Alliance for Creative Innovation in 2019. Based on this unique partnership, the inter-university Art x Science School for Transformation was established in 2023.
Art x Science School for Transformation
at the JKU Linz
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Straße 69
4040 Linz
Open Innovation Center
A partnership between the University of Applied Arts Vienna (dieAngewandte).
LIT Sonder-Call Ars Electronica Festival 2025 Realise projects at the interface of art and science and present them to an international audience at the Ars Electronica Festival 2025. Submit your project ideas until 6 January 2025!
Zum Call
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Art x Science School for Transformation GRAND
OPENING October 17, 2024
Transformation Studies.
Art x Science
News & Events
Opening Event
The Art x Science School for Transformation celebrates its kick-off event.
The Grand Opening of the Art x Science School for Transformation. Presentation of the Art x Science School for Transformation featuring exciting presentations and a casual get-together along with refreshments.