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[Translate to Englisch:] Group picture

Implementing Theory into Practice: ACT Track Consulting Projects Begin

This week marked the official start of the ACT track’s consulting projects, an exciting opportunity where students will collaborate with several local…

[Translate to Englisch:] Bild Vortrag

Exploring Innovation and Sustainability: ACT Program’s 15th visit to voestalpine

Tuesday, February 18th, 2025, marked the 15th time the ACT program had the privilege of visiting voestalpine, a leading steel and technology group.…

[Translate to Englisch:] Group picture

Global Business ACT students start their term at JKU

Starting with an introductory day on February 10th, 2025, the ACT students embarked on the final leg of their journeys in Austria. They were warmly…

[Translate to Englisch:] SAP Austria Community

2nd Strategy-as-Practice (SAP) Austria Community Day at Johannes Kepler University


Last Tuesday on 18th February, the Austrian SAP community gathered for the 2nd Strategy-as-Practice Austria Community Day at Johannes Kepler…

[Translate to Englisch:] bild

Invitation to a practical dialogue with Andreas Schwandtner, MBA / ALL MEDIA AI

AI transformation of communication

[Translate to Englisch:] v.l.n.r.: Thomas Brunner-Kirchmair, Birgit Grüb-Martin, Johannes Thaller, Franziska Wazinger, Anna Gappmaier, Barbara Krumay

JKU Business School Lunch Time Seminar 25 February 2025

On February 25, 2025, the JKU Business School Lunch Time Seminar took place. After a welcome address by the Business School’s Dean for Research &…

[Translate to Englisch:] bild

Dynamic prices in ski resorts: Flexible strategy or non-transparent cost trap?

Analysis of the ORF


5th Organization Theory Winter Workshop - Zurich

From January 28-30, Alice Neusiedler had the pleasure of participating in 5th Organization Theory Winter Workshop, co-hosted by The University of…

[Translate to Englisch:] Workshop Plakat

Apply now: Student Workshop Complex Networks (for Students of all Disciplines)

From May 5 - 9, a student workshop with leading scientists from Canada, France and Austria will take place at the Internationale AkademieTraunkirchen.