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[Translate to Englisch:] Theresa Füreder Johannes Winkler

Summer review of our doctoral students: An instructive summer comes to an end

Our doctoral student Theresa Füreder and our doctoral student Johannes Winkler made effective use of the lecture-free period in the summer. Both of…


M. Sinnl (BATT) @ OR 2024

M. Sinnl attended the International Conference on Operations Research 2024: Data, Learning, and Optimization in Munich and gave a talk on “On solving…

Science Park 2 und 3 Außenansicht

ISM member Associate Editor at Industry & Innovation


ISM member Georg Reischauer will be taking on the role of Associate Editor at Industry and Innovation (VHB Ranking 2024: B). Interdisciplinary in…

[Translate to Englisch:] Circular Economy Projekt St. Gallen

Joint circular economy research project launched with St. Gallen University!

As a possible response to the challenges of the climate crisis, various circular economy initiatives are currently emerging in many parts of the…

AOM Konferenz

Contributions to Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Chicago

The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management the premier conference for nearly 10,000 students, academics, and practitioners interested in…

[Translate to Englisch:] IBP 2024s

Final presentations of the master's seminar "Interdisciplinary Business Project"

We congratulate our Master's students for their professional final presentations, with which they were able to convince our company partners in the…


J. Boeckmann (BATT) winner of the EURO Prize for the Common Good 2024

Jan Boeckmann from the Institute for Business Analytics and Technology Transformation together with his former PhD supervisor Clemens Thielen from TU…

Zwei Studierende unterhalten sich bei einem Spaziergang vorm Learning Center

Open postdoc position (40h, 6 years)

in the field of Operations Research/Prescriptive Analytics at the Institute of Production and Logistics Management.  


New publication by M. Sinnl (BATT) in Computers & Operations Research (VHB B)

The paper "Benders decomposition algorithms for minimizing the spread of harmful contagions in networks" by Markus Sinnl (Institut für Business…