JKU Students Win Bronze in Karate

Lora Ziller and Andrej Tvrdon came in third at the European Universities Games in Hungary.

Bronze for JKU Students; photo credit:Unisport Austria
Bronze for JKU Students; photo credit:Unisport Austria

During the last two days of the competition, eight students competed in kata and kumite in martial arts karate. Following some grueling, nail-biting matches, Lora Ziller (+68kg Kumite) and Andrej Tvrdon (-67kg Kumite) brought the bronze medal home.

Lora Ziller's podium finish is an impressive end to the season. In addition to her career as a police officer, the competitive 24-year-old athlete is also studying law. When asked about how she balances her career with university studies and sports training, Ziller remarked: "I have very little free time and I study and train in phases."

The competition also marked the end of the season for 21-year-old business student Andrej Tvrdon before beginning his well-earned summer holidays. The bronze-medal winner remarked: "I practice on a competitive level twice a day from Monday to Thursday; my mom in particular, as well as my family, friends, coaches and teammates, are my biggest supporters!"