Medical Facilities at the JKU.

Have you got a deep cut or are feeling faint? In the event of any medical emergency, 24/7 medical services are available on campus, meaning you'll be well tended to! We have summarized information on how to get help quickly here.

There is a Red Cross office on campus and paramedics are available in the event of any emergency. Contact information is here:

Red Cross - Ambulance 144

The Red Cross "Linz North-JKU" office is located directly at the JKU behind the Management Center.

In the event of any emergency at the JKU, dial the emergency number 144. Please DO NOT show up at the office unannounced as the team is often deployed during the day.

In general, one vehicle is permanently stationed on campus and manned 24/7 by staff of professional paramedics, volunteer staff/students, and those completing alternatuve civil service.

If you are interested, you can join the location "Linz North-JKU as a paramedic (or interested individual), to work with us and fill various positions. You can also work here on the side, in addition to your main employment. To join the team, you will have to take part in a safety briefing. There are monthly meetings for coordination and organizational purposes as well as to update everyone on the team.

If you are interested, please send an e-mail to: linz-nord-jku(at)

Contact persons 

  • Manager of the Location "Linz North-JKU": Claudia Schwarz
  • Deputy Manager: Alexander Freischlager
  • Deputy Manager: Andreas Stubinger
  • Youth officer: Kristof Harsanyi
Logo Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz

Red Cross Linz

Emergency Number 144

Rotkreuz Dienststelle hinter dem Managementzentrum am JKU Campus ©RK Linz Nord / Michael Weiß

"First Responders" at the JKU

The JKU has a separate first responder system for any emergencies at the JKU. Trained paramedics who also study or work at the JKU will be alerted via the emergency number 144 and dispatched as qualified first responders to wherever they are needed on campus.

In order to take part, you must complete the introductory First Responder Challenge which is open to all paramedics, regardless of the organization they work for. First Responder Kits are available at three designated locations at the JKU.

If you are interested, please send an e-mail to: firstresponder(at)

Coordination ASB (the Workers' Samaritan Federation):
Alexander Lehner
Coordination RC (Red Cross): Kristof Harsanyi

JKU First Responders

Send inquiries to:

Ausrüstung von First Responder vor der Kepler Hall am JKU Campus ©RK Linz Nord / Michael Weiß

Any other emergencies?

Department of Employee Protection and Safety