Lecture Hall Wing.

Campus Location

The Lecture Hall Wing is located behind the Keplergebäude Building and between the Juridicum Building and the main campus library.

JKU Map Lecture Hall Wing

Room Overview

Lecture Hall Room Number Capacity
Lecture Hall 2 (HS 2) HT 182E


Lecture Hall 3 (HS 3) HT 180E 100
Lecture Hall 4 (HS 4) HT 179F 100
Lecture Hall 5 (HS 5) HT 175G 100
Lecture Hall 6 (HS 6) HT 174H 100
Lecture Hall 7 (HS 7) HT 172H 200
Seminar Room Room Number Capacity
Seminar Room HT 177F                                           HT 177F 20
Computer Workroom Room Number Capacity
Computer Workroom HT 176G                           HT 176G 42

Overview of Available Services