The brand new Kepler Hall opened its doors in 2020, serving as the JKU's Info Point and Welcome Desk. Guests and students are encouraged to stop by the Info Desk and get information about the university, our degree programs, the campus, and university life.
Covering an area of 3,000 m2, the multi-purpose hall is both an auditorium and event center. Home of the University Sports Institute (USI), the Kepler Hall features a sports and multi-purpose hall as well as a gym. The covered outdoor area can be used in a variety of ways, whether for open-air movie nights, a weekly farmer's market, or a street food festival. The Kepler Hall connects the campus to the surrounding Dornach neighborhood.
The exotic-looking trees located the Kepler Hall's forecourt area are a unique eye-catcher. The Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris), also known as the common pine or red pine, is native to Austria. The grove of native red pines architecturally completes the Kepler Hall area at the JKU campus however, these red pines were grown as bonsais in order to get this particular pine shape.

Colorful Eye-Catcher
Gilbert Bretterbauer's colorful window hanging is an autonomous textile installation. Starting with the glass façade proportions, he created a different geometric color pattern for each side of the building by designing diagonal divisions of a basic form consisting of individual modules. While the window hanging becomes a textile "inner façade" for the transparent structure, the exposed seams still allow for a view of what is happening inside the building. The colors make for a cheerful and lively atmosphere in an unpretentious space, sending a strong signal as a gateway to the campus.