Announcement of the 2nd Benedictus Prize

[Translate to Englisch:] Hl. Benedikt

The Institute for Management Controll & Consulting at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz and the Benedictine Abbey in Lambach are awarding the Benedictus Prize, which is endowed with up to €3,000, for the second time in order to honor academic achievements by students and pupils.

The prize is awarded for scientific or pre-scientific work that focuses on the following topics:

  • Church and economy
  • Theology with a focus on Benedictines
  • Promotion of young theologians up to the age of 35:
    • Theologians up to the age of 35 can submit their academic work from all areas of theology

Closing date: May 15, 2023

Please refer to the folder , opens a filefor more information on the application process, the job advertisement conditions and other information!