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Successful Two-Year Evaluation of the Christian Doppler Lab VaSiCS

Located at the LIT Cyber-Physical Systems Lab, the laboratory successfully passed its two-year evaluation.

The Christian Doppler Laboratory VaSiCS team (from l to r): Rick Rabiser, Antonio Manuel Gutierrez Fernandez, Hafiyyan Sayyid Fadhlillah, Markus Unterdechler, Shubham Sharma, Philipp Bauer, Lisa Sonnleithner, Elene Kutsia, Ursula Schwarzgruber, Alois Zoitl; photo credit: Kneidinger-Photography
The Christian Doppler Laboratory VaSiCS team (from l to r): Rick Rabiser, Antonio Manuel Gutierrez Fernandez, Hafiyyan Sayyid Fadhlillah, Markus Unterdechler, Shubham Sharma, Philipp Bauer, Lisa Sonnleithner, Elene Kutsia, Ursula Schwarzgruber, Alois Zoitl; photo credit: Kneidinger-Photography

The CD Lab VaSiCS opened its doors in February of 2021 under the direction and management of Prof. Rick Rabiser and Prof. Alois Zoitl. As part of the lab’s two-year evaluation in mid-November of 2022, the lab team submitted a detailed evaluation report beforehand, providing detailed information about the lab’s research findings as well as its trajectory path in regard to intended activities in the coming years. During the evaluation, the lab team presented an impressive overview of research findings along with other selected details, such as the CD Lab VaSiCS’s development of a multidisciplinary variability management approach to support cyber-physical production systems, and approaches to analyze and visualize these kinds of system’s software architectures.

The evaluation committee’s conclusion was very favorable and based on the results as well as a decision rendered by the CD Senate, a continuation of the CD Laboratory VaSiCS has been approved for an additional three-year period to January 31, 2026.

Prof. Rabiser and Prof. Zoitl are both extremely pleased with the successful review and remarked: "We would like to take this opportunity to thank our entire team at the VaSiCS CD Laboratory, our industrial partner, the Christian Doppler Research Society, the Johannes Kepler University Linz, and the state of Upper Austria."

Click here to view the CD Lab VaSiCS's homepage.