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Organizing Software Engineering 2024 at the JKU

[Translate to Englisch:] SE24 Gruppenfoto

The Software Engineering Conference 2024, opens an external URL in a new window (SE24) at the JKU at the end of February served as the annual Software Engineering Gesellschaft für Informatik, opens an external URL in a new window (GI) symposium. The LIT Cyber-Physical Systems Lab (together with the CD Lab VaSiCS) and the Institute for Business Informatics - Software Engineering organized the symposium (General chairs: Prof. Rick Rabiser and Prof. Manuel Wimmer).

The main program featured a total of 50 presentations, including exciting tracks - such as the Student Research Competition, the Industry Program, and the Ernst Denert Software Engineering Prize - five workshops, one meet-up about various topics, and a Research Software Engineering panel. Detailed information about the program is available at: https://se2024.se.jku.at/detailprogramm/, opens an external URL in a new window

There were three interesting keynote speeches:

Janet Siegmund (professor of Software Engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology) gave her keynote speech titled "New Perspectives on the Human Factor in Software Engineering" on Wednesday, emphasizing how imporant the human factor is and insight acquired from research conducted in this area.

Bernd Greifeneder, founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Dynatrace held a keynote speech on Thursday titled "How Dynatrace Innovates at Scale". Dynatrace has established itself as a pioneer in applying AI for observability and security. Greifeneder shared insight on how the company has scaled and pursued innovation, as well as how partnerships with research talent from the university has resulted in new opportunities.

Hermann Sikora, chairman of the Management Board at Raiffeisen Software Ltd. and spokesman of the Management Board of RAITEC GmbH, held a keynote speech on Friday titled "Are We Ready for the Software Factory?" about the evolution of software development, the importance of programming-in-the-large, and the potential impact of generative AI on software engineering on an industrial scale.

See : https://se2024.se.jku.at/keynotes/, opens an external URL in a new window for additional information about the SE24 keynote speeches.