Excerpt from the foundation statutes
The purpose of the Wilhelm Macke Foundation is to support gifted JKU-students and -graduates in Physics. This aim is reached through granting scholarships and awards.
Until the summer semester 2023, this included the degree programmes ‘Technical Physics’ (Bachelor's & Master's), ‘Nanoscience and Technology’ (Master's), ‘Biophysics’ (Master's), ‘Doctor of Engineering’ and ‘Doctor of Natural Sciences’ (each with a focus on physics), as well as the ‘Teaching Qualification for Secondary Education’ (with a focus on physics, Bachelor's and Master's).
Students and graduates of the currently valid study programmes ‘Physics’ www.jku.at/studium/studienarten/master/ma-physics/, opens an external URL in a new window and ‘Biophysics’ www.jku.at/en/degree-programs/types-of-degree-programs/masters-degree-programs/ma-biophysics/, opens an external URL in a new window are also eligible to apply. -
If new programs in the field of physics are established at JKU, the board will decide, whether and under what conditions students and graduates may get support. Support of students and graduates engaged in interdisciplinary activities / courses with the main focus on physics can be granted es well, but only in particularly well justified cases.
Mobility scholarship:
For gifted students and graduates to facilitate research stays, conference participation or training abroad. For financial reasons, no mobility scholarships are presently awarded. -
At least every 4 years, a scholarship is offered for a period of at least 10 months for a foreign student who is not a citizen of an EU member state.
who is not a citizen of an EU member state will be awarded a scholarship for the above-mentioned Master's programme. Payment of the scholarship requires the student to be enrolled in a master's programme in physics at the JKU. -
Wilhelm Macke Prizes:
The Wilhelm Macke Master Thesis Prize honors an excellent master-thesis approbated in above mentioned courses of studies at the JKU. (Regarding a thesis acquired at other institutions/universities Point 3 is applied accordingly.)
Wilhelm Macke Award: Granted in addition to the Master Thesis Prize, for the best generally understandable presentation of a thesis in a public competition with the other honorees.
Wilhelm Macke Recognition Prizes: awarded to bachelor and master graduates (in the above named study programs); they honor short study time with excellent grades and thesis.