Damir Hamidović successfully defended his PhD dissertation.
As part of an on-site event, former CD Lab member Damir Hamidović successfully defended his PhD dissertation on November 22, 2022.
He presented his research findings in front of an interested audience, answering the examintation board's questions regarding Hamidović' dissertation titled "Digitally Enhanced RF Transmitter Architectures".
The examination board consisted of
Univ. Prof. Dr. Harald Pretl, Institute for Integrated Circuits (Chair)
Prof. Dr. Ing. Friedel Gerfers, TU Berlin (external examiner)
Univ. Prof. DI Dr. Andreas Springer, Institute for Communictation Engineering and RF-Systems
Univ. Prof. Dr. Mario Huemer, Institute for Signal Processing
The team at the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Digitally Assisted RF Transceivers for Future Mobile Communications would like to thank Dr. Damir Hamidović for his efforts and we wish him all the best for his future endeavors.