Matura, Akademisches Gymnasium Linz
Study of human medicine, University of Vienna
Graduation with the academic degree
Military hospital Linz-Hörsching (Präsenzdienst)
Turnus training, AKH Linz: jus practicandi 9/1999
Training as a specialist in internal medicine, AKH Linz
3 months Clinic for Cardiology, University Magdeburg
Specialist in internal medicine, AKH Linz
Specialist in cardiology, AKH Linz
Specialist in intensive care medicine, AKH Linz
Venia docendi, Paracelsus Private Medical University Salzburg
Specialist at the Clinic for Cardiology, Kepler University Hospital Linz
Specialty: electrophysiology, sensorless pacemaker implantations, coronary interventions, intensive care medicine
Head of the Ambulance of the Clinic for Cardiology
Head of the Intensive Care Unit
Head of the Unit: Invasive Electrophysiology
Member Educational qualifications, European Heart Rhythm Association - EHRA
Head of the Department of Cardiology and Internal Intensive Care Medicine
Responsible for the module, Faculty of Medicine, Johannes Kepler University
Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, Johannes Kepler University
Board member, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Kardiologie
Management CRI CM, Faculty of Medicine, Johannes Kepler University