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Clinical Research Institute for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases
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OA Dr. Florian Huber, MSc.

Deputy founding member

Curriculum Vitae


 Matura, Bischöflisches Gymnasium Petrinum Linz

 Presence service pioneer company Linz/Ebelsberg

Study of human medicine at the Medical University of Innsbruck

Graduation with the academic degree Dr.med. univ.

Medical resident training at the Wels-Grieskirchen Clinic

Training as a specialist in cardiac surgery, Wels-Grieskirchen Hospital

Specialist in cardiac surgery, Wels-Grieskirchen Hospital

Additive specialist training in vascular surgery, Wels-Grieskirchen Clinic

Specialist in vascular surgery, Wels-Grieskirchen Clinic

Postgraduate studies “Clinical Research” at the JKU, Linz
Graduation with the academic degree Master of Science of Advanced Clinical Research


Senior physician at the Wels-Grieskirchen Clinic

Senior physician at the University Clinic for Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, Kepler University Hospital Linz

Senior physician in charge of ward B 6.1, Kepler University Hospital Linz

Lecturer for the Faculty of Medicine at Johannes Kepler University

Deputy Founding Member KFI KM, Faculty of Medicine,
Johannes Kepler University

Program responsible senior physician Transcatheter valves


Huber, F., Schachner, B., Hagleitner, G., Binder, R. K., Pichler, P., & Zierer, A. (2024). Extensive thoracoabdominal aortic electro septotomy: A case report of a novel approach in the treatment of chronic aortic dissections. SAGE open medical case reports12, 2050313X231225867. https://doi.org/10.1177/2050313X231225867, opens an external URL in a new window 


Huber F, Schachner B, Gottsberger JZ, Benedikt P, Zierer AF (2023) Evidence of Global Warming: A Meta-Analysis of Temperature Management in Aortic Surgery. J Vasc Surg. 11:534.

Huber F, Gottsberger J, Schachner B, Grund M, Zierer A (2023) First In Human: Redo Transapical TAVR With A Sapien 3 Ultra In An Early Degenerated Acurate Neo – A Case Report. J Med Case Rep Case Series 4(20)

Gottsberger J, Huber F, Kurz F, Illek J, Schachner B, Et Al. (2023) Against All Odds: Successful Emergent Surgical Management Of A Ruptured Aorto-Oesophageal Fistula – A Case Report. J Med Case Rep Case Series 4(19).

Kellermair, J., Damian, I., Grund, M., Hagleitner, G., Huber, F., Resl, M., Sulzbacher, G., Clodi, M., Steinwender, C., & Zierer, A. (2023). Transapical electrosurgical laceration and stabilization of mitral clips followed by transcatheter mitral valve replacement-A one-stop shop. JTCVS techniques22, 189–196. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xjtc.2023.07.028, opens an external URL in a new window 

Czerny, M., Gottardi, R., Puiu, P., Bernecker, O. Y., Citro, R., Della Corte, A., di Marco, L., Fink, M., Gosslau, Y., Haldenwang, P. L., Heijmen, R. H., Hugas-Mallorqui, M., Iesu, S., Jacobsen, O., Jassar, A. S., Juraszek, A., Kolowca, M., Lepidi, S., Marrocco-Trischitta, M. M., Matsuda, H., … Weigang, E. (2021). Impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on the care of patients with acute and chronic aortic conditions. European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery59(5), 1096–1102. https://doi.org/10.1093/ejcts/ezaa452, opens an external URL in a new window