Current News.

This page provides current information relating to equal opportunities and equal rights at the Johannes Kepler University.


Intersectional Get-Together

An independent collective within the university environment would like to create a meeting space in which people with different marginalization experiences (racism, sexism, transphobia, rejectionism, etc.) can share just what they have experienced.


This can also be a space to try out different strategies to take action, laugh, and enjoy refreshments, giving participants an opportunity to become stronger, listen, provide support, and acknowledge each other's similarities and differences.

Advanced registrtion is not required.
Click here to learn more.

Upcoming Dates

Monday, March 31st 2025 beg. at 5.30 pm in K 009D


“Picture A Scientist” (2020) is a US documentary focusing on discrimination, sexism and racism within the scientific community and based on stories by women in research and natural sciences. During the following discussion with experts, we will talk about how women in STEM subject areas at the JKU experience the situation.

The panelists include:


  • Gabriele Kotsis (Prof. for Computer Science, Institute for Telecooperation)
  • Michaela Schwinghammer (PhD candidate, COOL Lab STEM didactics)
  • Bahara Muradi (graduate student in Computer Sciences)
  • Christopher Frank (legal expert and head of the Working Group for Equal Opportunities)

Moderator: Andrea Ida Malkah Klaura (software developer, techno-feminist, coach)

Kindly sign up in advance to attend: sign up for "Picture a Scientist" (, opens an external URL in a new window

Refreshments will be served!

[Translate to Englisch:] seite 1 [Translate to Englisch:] seite 2

Safe Places?
Violence Structures in Higher Education.

Invitation to the panel discussion.

The JKU Austrian Student Union's Office of Social Services will hold an expert talk on Tuesday, May 17, 2022, titled "Safe Places? Gewaltstrukturen an Hochschulen". Dr. Christopher Frank will represent the AKG in the panel.
Representatives of the Upper Austrian Center for Protection against Violence, the Autonomous Women's Center, the Men's Counseling Service of the Diocese of Linz, and the AKG will address the question: Is the university a safe place? The event is interactive and will also be held in a hybrid format.

Location: HS 1/Zoom
Time: 7:30 PM

No advance registration required!

[Translate to Englisch:] Safe Spaces?