
Most of the academic degree programs at the JKU include a wide range of courses taught in English. Some of the programs at the JKU are offered entirely in English.

Here is an overview:


Business, Economics

Bachelor's Degrees

German and English

Master's Degrees

Predominantly English, some courses held in German

Polymer Technology

Bachelor's Degrees

German and English

Master's Degrees

German and English

Computer Science

Bachelor's Degrees

German and English

Master's Degrees


Law (Diploma degree program)

Bachelor's Degrees

Predominantly German, a few courses are held in English


Bachelor's Degrees

German and English

Master's Degrees

Predominantly English,
some courses are held in German


Bachelor's Degrees


Master's Degrees



Bachelor's Degrees


Master's Degrees



Bachelor's Degrees

German and English

Master's Degrees

Predominantly English,
some courses are held in German

Social Sciences,
Social Studies & Humanities

Bachelor's Degrees

Predominantly in German,
some courses are held in English

Master's Degrees

Predominantly in German,
few courses are held in English


Bachelor's Degrees

Master's Degrees

Business, Economics

German and English

Predominantly English, some courses held in German

Polymer Technology

German and English

German and English

Computer Science

German and English


Law (Diploma degree program)

Predominantly German, a few courses are held in English


German and English

Predominantly English,
some courses are held in German








German and English

Predominantly English,
some courses are held in German

Social Sciences,
Social Studies & Humanities

Predominantly in German,
some courses are held in English

Predominantly in German,
few courses are held in English

German Language Courses.

The JKU offers intensive German language courses for exchange students (at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels). The courses take place three weeks prior to the beginning of the semester and are worth 3 ECTS credits.

Please note that participation in the pre-semester course is a prerequisite for attending A1 or A2 German language courses during the semester.

Sign up for an Intensive German language course when completing the JKU's online application!

The courses are FREE of charge for exchange students.

Course syllabus, opens a file in a new window

Exchange students can take German-language courses (6 ECTS credits) at various levels:

  • A1.1 (participation in the pre-semester course required)
  • A1.2 (participation in the pre-semester course required)
  • A2.2 (participation in the pre-semester course required)
  • B1 (requires a sufficient number of course participants)

Additonal German language courses (16 ECTS credits per level) are offered at the B1, B2 and C1 levels.

Courses are FREE of charge for exchange students!

Course syllabus, opens a file

  • You are expected to earn a minimum of 20 ECTS credits per semester at the JKU!
    A full-time semester at the JKU is 30 ECTS credits per semester.

How can I find information about courses?

The final list of course offered at the JKU is available just a few weeks before the respective semester begins. However, the courses to be held held during the Winter Semester are usually similar to the previous Winter Semester. The same applies to courses offered during the Summer Semester. For reference, you can look at the list of courses offered during the previous year (see below) or find your courses in JKU's online course catalogue.

Important resource documents:

The JKU and the Catholic Private University Linz have a partnership agreement that allows you to take courses at the JKU Linz as part of their International Semester program (offered only during Winter Semester). Please note that the majority of your courses should be at the JKU (minimum 16 ECTS credits). The following courses will be offered during 2ß2372024 Winter Semester:

  • The Impact of Religion and Value Systems on European Cultures (3 ECTS credits)
  • History of Philosophy: Antiquity and Middle Ages(5 ECTS credits)
  • Research Ethics (5 ECTS credits)
  • The Shadows of Past (3 ECTS credits)
  • The Educational Value of Friendship (2 ECTS credits)
  • Bioethics - a Historical and Topical Introduction (5 ECTS credits)
  • Introduction to Christianity (3 ECTS credits)

If you are interested in taking one or more of these courses, please list the course(s) on your Erasmus+ learning agreement, or on the preliminary course request form.

Studierende im Hörsaal an der JKU