In order to enter, you must have completed a study-related stay abroad during the previous academic year by October 15 at the latest.
You may only submit photos taken personally during your stay abroad in the host country (!).
Please note:
The Study & Work Abroad photo competition and related exhibition will unfortunately have to be canceled in 2024 due to resource constraints. As soon as there is news about this, the students concerned will be informed by e-mail.
Take part and win restaurant gift certificates!
Did you study abroad? In addition to your many priceless memories and experiences, did you also take great photos? Then take part in the photo contest and show us your best shots!
The submission deadline is October 1 for a stay abroad during the previous academic year.
Together with EUROPE DIRECT Upper Austria, there is a special prize for the photo that best reflects the EU motto "United in Diversity". The winner will be selected from all of the entries stemming from EU countries. The winner will receive an Austrian Railway voucher.
In order to enter, you must have completed a study-related stay abroad during the previous academic year by October 15 at the latest.
You may only submit photos taken personally during your stay abroad in the host country (!).
You may submit 4 photos for each category per stay abroad. This means a total 8 photos per person, per stay abroad.
To enter, complete the online form, opens an external URL in a new window. There is an upload feature and detailed information about the contest's terms and conditions.
By participating, you agree that the JKU may use the images for their own purposes (i.e. brochures, the JKU homepage, JKU Facebook pages, etc.) and make them publicly available.
Important Information:
A jury at the Johannes Kepler University will review the submissions and choose the winning photos. In addition, an audience prize will be awarded by Facebook voting. The jury will pre-select the photos for the voting. A selection of photos will be put on display at the JKU and subsequently published on the JKU website.
You can win restaurant gift certificates.
The awards will be presented in November.
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