Short-Stay Programs.

Is a semester too long for you to be away from JKU? Then how about a shorter stay abroad? You can take part in a program that is even as short as one week, be it as part of an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program, EC2U or a Summer School program.

Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs)

The Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program (BIP) is generally 5 days in duration and has a variable virtual component. A BIP is worth a minimum of 3 ECTS credits and academic credit can be transferred to the JKU.

The JKU is involved in a number of programs, as are many other BIPs. If a BIP is open to students from all universities, you can apply directly to the organizer, and then apply to receive Erasmus+ financial aid.

BIPs are not subject to any course fees!

Erasmus+ funding is €79 per day up to the 14th day, and €56 per day beginning on the 15th day, to the 30th day. You are also eligible for a travel allowance. Click here to learn more.

Students suffering from a disability, or chronic illness - or who travel with a child(ren) - are eligible to receive an additional Erasmus+ grant of €100 (for the duration of 5-14 days), or €150 (for the duration of 15-30 days).

  • Students in Bachelor's/Diploma degree programs:
    • You must have successfully completed two semesters of academic study and the StEOP requirements (Studies Introduction and Orientation Phase)
    • You must have earned a minimum of 16 ECTS credits during the past two semesters
  • Students enrolled in a Master's degree program:
    • You must have earned a minimum of 16 ECTS credits during the past two semesters or during the previous semester
  • Students enrolled in a Doctorate/PhD degree program:
    • Year 3+: Dissertation agreement

Please use the online form "Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP): (Scholarship) Application" located in the study abroad mobility portal, opens an external URL in a new window to

  • apply and take part in a program with a JKU partner (see below). When you apply, you are also applying for financial aid.
  • If you have applied directly to the BIP organizer, you can also apply for an Erasmus+ scholarship.

Applying for BIPs via the JKU

  • Finance and Value Creation for the Future (14.-20.7.2025, Iasi) Application deadline: April 15, 2025

    Programme , opens a file
  • People, Purpose, and Performance: Transforming HR for Tomorrow’s Workplace (14.-20.7.2025, Iasi) Application deadline: April 15, 2025

    Programme , opens a file
  • Political, Cultural and International Relations in Times of Crisis: Historical and Conceptual Dimensions (14.-20.7.2025, Iasi) Application deadline: April 15, 2025

    Programme , opens a file
  • Biomolecular Horizons: Building a Sustainable Future in Life Sciences (14.-20.7.2025, Iasi) Application deadline: April 15, 2025

    Programme , opens a file
  • Hard Sciences: new trends in physics, mathematics and computer science (14.-20.7.2025, Iasi) Application deadline: April 15, 2025

    Programme , opens a file

Applying to BIPs via a host university

  • Currently, there are unfortunately no BIPs available for application to the host university.

EC2U Events

The EC2U (European Campus of City Universities) is a multicultural and multilingual alliance of eight universities committed to creating a European campus by bringing education, research, and innovation together by means of local and global involvement. The JKU has been part of this alliance since November 2023, along with the University of Coimbra (Portugal), the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (Romania), the University of Jena (Germany), the University of Pavia (Italy), the University of Poitiers (France), the University of Salamanca (Spain), and the University of Turku (Finland).

A series of activities for students will be organized over the next four years, focusing on a wide range of topics, such as student weeks, entrepreneurial programs, PhD workshops, etc.

In general, an EC2U program is 3 days, including one day for arrival and departure, meaning a total duration of 5 days.

The EC2U encourages eco-friendly travel to and from the program's location. If taking part in a program located in Jena and Pavia, you will be required to travel by train.

To take part in an EC2U-organized program, travel expenses (2nd class by train or, if flying, economy class) and accommodations ("mid-class") will be covered up to € 1,000. Prior to departure, students who qualify to take part will need to upload receipts/booking confirmation in the "MoveOn" mobility portal. Only the real costs will be reimbursed.
In addition to reimbursing real costs, there is a daily allowance:

  • Germany: € 27.00
  • Finland: € 31.60 
  • France: € 24.90
  • Italy: € 27.30
  • Portugal: € 21.40
  • Romania: € 28.10 
  • Spain: € 26.20
  • Sweden: € 32,70

When attending an EC2U program, students employed at the JKU are eligible for travel reimbursement (real costs + daily allowance). Please contact the Department of Human Resource Management. Students will have to submit a travel request.

  • Active regular degree-seeking student at JKU at the time of application and mobility
  • Undergraduate/Diploma degree students:
    • Successful completion of 2 semesters and all StEOP requirements
    • Actively taking examinations (16 ECTS credits) over the past two semesters
  • Graduate students:
    • Actively taking examinations over the past two semesters (present and past), or successful academic performance (min. 16 ECTS credits during the past semester)
  • Doctoral/PhD candidates:
    • Third year+: Dissertation agreement

Summer School Programs

You can choose from an extensive range of summer school programs of varying length and price. In most cases, students apply directly to the organizer; some summer school programs offer discounts to JKU students, and in some cases also via the JKU (see below for more information). Financial aid is available for programs over 2 weeks.

The JKU provides financial aid of up to € 300 for fee-based summer school programs in Europe, and up to € 600 for programs outside of Europe.

Students residing primarily in Upper Austria can also apply for an IPS grant awarded by the state of Upper Austria, providing a maximum of €100 per month (the summer school program must be a minimum of 10 days). Additionally, students can receive a travel allowance of up to €240 to support travel costs within Europe, and up to €480 to assist with costs to travel outside of Europe.

Students receiving financial aid to support their studies entirely can submit an application to the Study Grant Authority in Linz to receive a study abroad scholarship, opens an external URL in a new window for a minimum one-month period. The program must be worth a minimum of 3 ECTS credits that can be transferred to count toward your studies at the JKU. If the program is less than one month, you can apply for study aid, opens a file (PDF), which is generally awarded based on the financial aid to study abroad.

Students can submit an application to take part in a summer school program that has discounted fees by using the online form "Application to a Summer School Program" in the mobility portal to study abroad, opens an external URL in a new window.   

Submit the JKU (and, if applicable, the IPS) scholarship application BEFORE actively completing the online form "Scholarship Application to Independently Organize Stays Abroad Outside of Erasmus+ Programs" in the mobility portal to study abroad, opens an external URL in a new window.

Apply for the study abroad grant, opens an external URL in a new window and/or study support, opens a file (PDF) by submitting an application to the Study Grant Authority in Linz.

Discount Summer Schools Programs by Direct Application