Study for a Day and See What Student Life is Like.

Would you like to experience what being a university student is for yourself?  Then sign up for our "Spend A Day Studying at the JKU" program!

Take part in a special program at the Johannes Kepler University Linz that allows you to experience academic studies and campus life together with a JKU student.  See for yourself how classes are, get insight into various projects, and see what student life is like!

Sign up for the "Spend a Day Studying at the JKU" program by contacting a student in your field of interest directly. Below you will find a list of students for each subject area and the links. Simply contact the student directly, suggest a time and date, and you'll be on your way!   Campus visits and tours can be arranged year round!

Terms and Conditions

You must be officially excused by your school's director to be absent from school on the day you will be on campus.  School students must obtain a signed permission slip from the school office 2 weeks prior to the scheduled visit date.  School students may not have a test or re-sit examination on that day.  At the end of the day, the student will receive confirmation of attendance issued by the JKU.

Schedule for Your Day on Campus

A visit to the JKU as part of the "Spend a Day Studying at the JKU" program includes the following:

  • Campus tour
  • Academic advising consultation with your guide
  • Attending a mock lecture in the degree program you are interested in


Study For A Day


Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Straße 69
A-4040 Linz / Austria


University Communications
Science Park 5, 3rd Floor, Rm. 324


Melanie Traxler

Please Note

When making an appointment, please contact one student only! The student will respond and let you know if he/she is available. If the student is unavailable, you may then contact another student on the list.


Christian Uhlig
E-mail Addresschristian.uhlig1998(at)
Julia Weixlbaumer
E-mail Addressjuliaweixlbaumer(at)
Annika Dorfer
E-mail Addressdorfer-annika1(at)
Tanja Pernsteiner
E-mail Addresstanjapernsteiner(at)
Fabian Moser
E-mail Addressfa-mo46(at)
Jussuf Hassan
E-mail Addressjussuf.hassan01(at)
Regina Ehrenmüller
E-mail Addressregina.ehrenmueller(at)
Philipp List
E-mail Addressphilipplist69(at)
Anja Leitner
E-mail Addressanj.leitner(at)
Patrick Palpathu
E-mail Addresspatrickpalpathu(at)
Omar Dzafic
E-mail Addressdzafic.omar(at)
Maha Allam
E-mail Addressmaha.allam2004(at)
Katharina Petrak
E-mail Addressk.petrak(at)
Juliane Hartmann
E-mail Addressju.hartmann(at)
Contact E-mail Address
Christian Uhlig christian.uhlig1998(at)
Julia Weixlbaumer juliaweixlbaumer(at)
Annika Dorfer dorfer-annika1(at)
Tanja Pernsteiner tanjapernsteiner(at)
Fabian Moser fa-mo46(at)
Jussuf Hassan jussuf.hassan01(at)
Regina Ehrenmüller regina.ehrenmueller(at)
Philipp List philipplist69(at)
Anja Leitner anj.leitner(at)
Patrick Palpathu patrickpalpathu(at)
Omar Dzafic dzafic.omar(at)
Maha Allam maha.allam2004(at)
Katharina Petrak k.petrak(at)
Juliane Hartmann ju.hartmann(at)


Alyssa Schneeberger
E-mail Addressalyssa.schneeberger04(at)
Eva-Marie Winkler
E-mail Addresswinklerevamarie(at)
Petra Vekszler
E-mail Addresspetra.vekszler(at)
Kristof Harsanyi
E-mail Addresskristof.har(at) 
Celina Parzer
E-mail Addressceli.parzer(at)
Hubert Wróblewski
E-mail Addresshubiwrobi001(at)
Alexander Wagner
E-mail Addressxandl.xw(at)
Antonia Eichelberger
E-mail Addressantonia.eichelberger(at)
Jakob Haselbacher
E-mail Addresshaselbacher.ja(at)
Andreas Wirth
E-mail Addressandreas.wirth00(at)
Contact E-mail Address
Alyssa Schneeberger alyssa.schneeberger04(at)
Eva-Marie Winkler winklerevamarie(at)
Petra Vekszler petra.vekszler(at)
Kristof Harsanyi kristof.har(at) 
Celina Parzer celi.parzer(at)
Hubert Wróblewski hubiwrobi001(at)
Alexander Wagner xandl.xw(at)
Antonia Eichelberger antonia.eichelberger(at)
Jakob Haselbacher haselbacher.ja(at)
Andreas Wirth andreas.wirth00(at)


Natural Sciences

Stefan Dirschl
E-mail Addressstefan(at)
Manuel Adlberger
E-mail Addressma.adlberger(at)
Sebastian Diethör
E-mail AddressSebastian.Diethoer(at)
Celina Parzer
E-mail Addressceli.parzer(at)
Witold Dobersberger
E-mail Addresswitold.dobersberger(at)
Contact E-mail Address
Stefan Dirschl stefan(at)
Manuel Adlberger ma.adlberger(at)
Sebastian Diethör Sebastian.Diethoer(at)
Celina Parzer celi.parzer(at)
Witold Dobersberger witold.dobersberger(at)



Martin Haberl
E-mail Addressmartin.hab(at)
Alexander Wagner
E-mail Addressxandl.xw(at)
Maximilian Glück
E-mail Addressglueck.max(at)
Peter Pressel
E-mail Addresspresselpeter(at)
Sebastian Lang
E-mail Addresssebastian.lang(at)
Jakob Haselbacher
E-mail Addresshaselbacher.ja(at)
Benjamin Lehner
E-mail AddressBenjamin.Lehner(at)
Contact E-mail Address
Martin Haberl martin.hab(at)
Alexander Wagner xandl.xw(at)
Maximilian Glück glueck.max(at)
Peter Pressel presselpeter(at)
Sebastian Lang sebastian.lang(at)
Jakob Haselbacher haselbacher.ja(at)
Benjamin Lehner Benjamin.Lehner(at)


Computer Science

Patrick Binder
E-mail Addresspatrick.binder256(at)
Greta Szabo
E-mail Addressszb.greta(at)
Abdul Banbhan
E-mail Addressabdul_basit.banbhan(at)
Christiane Göller
E-mail Addresschristiane.gllr(at)
Fabian Spanring
E-mail Addressfabian.spanring(at)
Contact E-mail Address
Patrick Binder patrick.binder256(at)
Greta Szabo szb.greta(at)
Abdul Banbhan abdul_basit.banbhan(at)
Christiane Göller christiane.gllr(at)
Fabian Spanring fabian.spanring(at)



Sophia Marie Grestenberger
Subj.­ Mathematik + Inklusive Pädagogik
Arwen Helena Horopciuc
Subj.­ Deutsch + Englisch
Katharina Lang
Subj.­ Mathematik + Biologie
Leon Lindenbauer
Subj.­ Englisch + Geschichte, Politik und Sozialkunde
Lina Brandstätter
Subj.­ Englisch + Psychologie & Philosophie
Julia Bodingbauer
Subj.­ Englisch + Psychologie & Philosophie
Contact Subj.­  E-Mail
Sophia Marie Grestenberger Mathematik + Inklusive Pädagogik sophia.grestenberger(at)
Arwen Helena Horopciuc Deutsch + Englisch horopciuc.arwen(at)
Katharina Lang Mathematik + Biologie lang-katharina(at)
Leon Lindenbauer Englisch + Geschichte, Politik und Sozialkunde leon.lindenbauer(at)
Lina Brandstätter Englisch + Psychologie & Philosophie lina.brandstaetter(at)
Julia Bodingbauer Englisch + Psychologie & Philosophie julia.bodingbauer004(at)


Social Sciences

Business and Economics

Nico Haider
E-mail Addressnicohaider47(at)
Bernhard Birklbauer
E-mail Addressb.birklbauer(at)
Nicolas Roithinger
E-mail Addressnico-roithinger(at)
Lukas Wurzer
E-mail Addresslukas(at)
Janine Feyrer
E-mail Addressjanine.feyrer(at)
Contact E-mail Address
Nico Haider nicohaider47(at)
Bernhard Birklbauer b.birklbauer(at)
Nicolas Roithinger nico-roithinger(at)
Lukas Wurzer lukas(at)
Janine Feyrer janine.feyrer(at)



Carmen Huss
E-mail Addresshusscarmen03(at)
Carina Ehrentraut
E-mail Addresscarina.ehrentraut(at)
Philipp Straßer
E-mail Addressphilipp.PS7400(at)
Hannah Egger
E-mail Addressegger.hannah18(at)
Gerhard Bachinger
E-mail Addressgerhard.bachinger(at)
Contact E-mail Address
Carmen Huss husscarmen03(at)
Carina Ehrentraut carina.ehrentraut(at)
Philipp Straßer philipp.PS7400(at)
Hannah Egger egger.hannah18(at)
Gerhard Bachinger gerhard.bachinger(at)


Info, Services & Academic Advising

Do you have any questions about our programs for school students`?

Are you a new student,
would you like to continue your education at the JKU,
or complete a distance learning program?

Do you have a particular question
and can't find the answer on our site?