Overview of Study Information Fairs and Events.

Would you like to learn more about the degree programs we offer? The JKU is represented at many information fairs in Austria and abroad. Take the opportunity to get all of the information!

Learn more about jobs and educational opportunities! Here is an overview of study, educational, and career fairs for high school graduates. Visit the JKU booth with your classmates and learn about the over 85 degree programs and post-graduate courses in medicine, law, social sciences, economics, natural sciences, engineering, computer sciences, education, digitalization, and the new ArtxScience. Experienced academic advisors will be on hand to answer any questions you may have about degree programs and student and campus life, making it easier for you to decide on what to study and where. We look forward to meeting you!

Event Management


Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Straße 69
4040 Linz


Lara Steglehner

Phone Fair Team

+43 732 2468 4982
T +43 732 2468 4986

Events & Info Sessions

There are currently no events in this area.

[Translate to Englisch:] JKU Messeteam auf Bildungsmesse

Studies Information Fair (SIM)

Visit the JKU's Study Info Fair and learn more about a variety of educational opportunities after graduating from high school!

Hall C, Keplergebäude Building JKU, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz
[Translate to Englisch:] Schüler*innen im Hörsaal

Open House at the Department of Mathematics

We are inviting school students ages 16+ to come by our offices during our Open House and take a look from "behind the desks" of our mathematicians!

JKU Campus

Bachelor's Degree - Study Fairs

[Translate to Englisch:] JKU Messeteam auf Bildungsmesse

Studies Information Fair (SIM)

Visit the JKU's Study Info Fair and learn more about a variety of educational opportunities after graduating from high school!

Hall C, Keplergebäude Building JKU, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz
JKU team at sutdy fair

BeSt3 Klagenfurt 2024

Learn more about the degree programs available at the JKU Linz at BeSt3 Klagenfurt.

Messe Klagenfurt
JKU team at sutdy fair

BeSt3 Innsbruck 2024

Learn more about the degree programs available at the JKU Linz at BeSt3 Innsbruck.

Messe Innsbruck

Master's Degrees - Study Fairs

JKU team at sutdy fair

BeSt3 Klagenfurt 2024

Learn more about the degree programs available at the JKU Linz at BeSt3 Klagenfurt.

Messe Klagenfurt
JKU team at sutdy fair

BeSt3 Innsbruck 2024

Learn more about the degree programs available at the JKU Linz at BeSt3 Innsbruck.

Messe Innsbruck

Doctorate and Ph.D. Programs

Detailed information about doctorate & PhD programs at the JKU is available here. Contact the Office of Student Information & Academic Advising Services (SIBS) to answer any questions you may have about your personal options, taking your individual requirements into account.

Student Information & Academic Advising Services