Selecting Potential Courses.
We recommend selecting classes for the semester in accordance with the curriculum for the degree program you are enrolled in. You can get a copy of the current curriculum at the JKU's Admissions Office or download it here:, opens an external URL in a new window. In the download center, click on your major at the bottom of the new page. Some majors have a recommended schedule and you can arrange your course schedule accordingly. More detailed information (course content for individual courses, registration requirements, information about electives,...) can be found in the course catalog, opens an external URL in a new window.
Searching for Certain Courses.
The search field "LVA-Suche" is located in the left menu bar and there are several options to find and select courses: via "My Majors", "Faculties", "All Curricula", "Advanced Course Search", or by entering information in the search field (course title, course number,course instructor,...). We recommend using the course search field by clicking on your schedule under "My Majors".
For detailed information, please view our video tutorial on how to search for courses, opens an external URL in a new window.
Not All Courses are Visible (Courses Offered by Partner Institutions)?
See: "Not All Courses in My Major Show Dates and Information - Why?"
If you have additional questions about selecting courses
please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Student Information & Academic Advising Services or the KUSSS Team.