Preparation Course Mathematics for Artificial Intelligence.

This course has been designed for new students enrolled in the following academic degree programs:



This preliminary course focuses on revising and taking a closer look at mathematics taught at upper-level secondary schools. Students in the program will need to consistently refer to areas of mathematics taught during this time period. Students who have a strong understanding of these basic areas in mathematics will have an easier time understanding new material taught during the course of program. We strongly recommend all newly enrolled students attend this course.

Key Facts




14 units


DI Jan-Michael Holzinger


  • Forming, simplifying, fractions and double fractions, calculating with powers, equivalent spellings.
  • Solve first and second degree equations: Techniques and geometric meaning. Solving simple equations of degrees greater than two. Solve systems of equations. Solve inequalities of first and second degree: Techniques and geometric meaning. Solve systems of inequalities.
  • Vector computations and calcuations

Overview of University Courses

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{{ item._id }} ({{ item.term }}) {{ item.title }}: {{ item.subtitle }}
{{ labelInLang('moreinfo') }}
{{ labelInLang('expand') }} {{ labelInLang('collapse') }}
{{ labelInLang('register') }} {{ item.type }} {{ item['hours-per-week'] }} {{ teacher.firstname }} {{ teacher.lastname }} {{ item.teachers.teacher.firstname }} {{ item.teachers.teacher.lastname }} {{ item.rhythm }}
{{ item._id }} ({{ item.term }})
{{ labelInLang('title') }} {{ item.title }}: {{ item.subtitle }}
{{ labelInLang('moreinfo') }}
{{ labelInLang('expand') }} {{ labelInLang('collapse') }}
{{ labelInLang('registration') }} {{ labelInLang('register') }}
{{ labelInLang('type') }} {{ item.type }}
{{ labelInLang('hours') }} {{ item['hours-per-week'] }}
{{ labelInLang('teachers') }} {{ teacher.firstname }} {{ teacher.lastname }} {{ item.teachers.teacher.firstname }} {{ item.teachers.teacher.lastname }}
{{ labelInLang('rhythm') }} {{ item.rhythm }}