Preparation Course for the Module Mathematics and Logic for Majors in Business Informatics.

This course has been designed for new students enrolled in the following academic degree program:


An introduction and review of basic mathematical concepts in algebra and logic used in base-knowledge courses as part of the degree program in Business Informatics. The objective is to understand and interpret mathematical formulations

Key Facts




Assoz.Univ. Prof. DI Dr. Wolfgang Windsteiger

Course Content

  • Propositional logic and predicate logic
  • Set theory
  • Function definitions
  • Relations
  • Intro to basic mathematical proofing techniques
  • Math problems, math problems, math problems, ...

Overview of University Courses

{{ labelInLang('cid') }} {{ labelInLang('title') }} {{ labelInLang('registration') }} {{ labelInLang('type') }} {{ labelInLang('hours') }} {{ labelInLang('teachers') }} {{ labelInLang('rhythm') }}
{{ item._id }} ({{ item.term }}) {{ item.title }}: {{ item.subtitle }}
{{ labelInLang('moreinfo') }}
{{ labelInLang('expand') }} {{ labelInLang('collapse') }}
{{ labelInLang('register') }} {{ item.type }} {{ item['hours-per-week'] }} {{ teacher.firstname }} {{ teacher.lastname }} {{ item.teachers.teacher.firstname }} {{ item.teachers.teacher.lastname }} {{ item.rhythm }}
{{ item._id }} ({{ item.term }})
{{ labelInLang('title') }} {{ item.title }}: {{ item.subtitle }}
{{ labelInLang('moreinfo') }}
{{ labelInLang('expand') }} {{ labelInLang('collapse') }}
{{ labelInLang('registration') }} {{ labelInLang('register') }}
{{ labelInLang('type') }} {{ item.type }}
{{ labelInLang('hours') }} {{ item['hours-per-week'] }}
{{ labelInLang('teachers') }} {{ teacher.firstname }} {{ teacher.lastname }} {{ item.teachers.teacher.firstname }} {{ item.teachers.teacher.lastname }}
{{ labelInLang('rhythm') }} {{ item.rhythm }}