Admission and Enrollment.

Information to take your first steps and enroll in the Bachelor’s degree program in International Business Administration.

Are you interested in applying for the English-language Bachelor's degree program "International Business Administration"? In order to enroll, you must meet the university's admission criteria as well as complete an admissions procedure held once a year during the spring/summer. If you successfully pass the admissions procedure, you will be eligible to enroll in the program for the following Winter Semester, or the subsequent Summer Semester.

A maximum of 80 students will be accepted to the program.

The admissions procedure consists of the following steps:

Bachelor's Degree Program
International Business Administration

Upcoming Online Registration Period:
March 4, 2024 to May 8, 2024

Applicants may not register to enroll outside of the designated registration period!

80 students will be accepted in the program

Step 1: Register to Enroll Online

The deadline to submit your application for admission has passed. We will welcome applications again beginning in Spring 2025.

Please note:

  • In order to be admitted to the Bachelor's degree program, you must fulfill all of the university's formal admission requirements.
  • When selecting your degree program, you will be asked to fill out a statistical survey in accordance with § 9 (6) of the Education Documentation Act.
  • The admissions procedure takes place only once a year. You may not apply or enroll outside of the application and enrollment periods!
  • The e-mail address you provide must be active and valid. All additional e-mails regarding the admissions procedure will be sent to the e-mail address you provide.

If the number of applicants applying to the program is less than the number of available spots in the program (80), the admissions procedure will not move forward. In this case, all of the applicants who applied (and met enrollment criteria) can enroll in the program (during the enrollment period) for the desired semester (i.e., for the following Winter Semester or Summer Semester). If over 80 applicants have applied to the program, the admissions procedure will move forward. You will receive an e-mail notifying you about whether or not the procedure will take place and subsequently an e-mail containing a link to upload the required application video (see Step 2).

Step 2: Submit Your Application Video

You will receive an e-mail containing notification as to whether or not an admissions procedure will take place. If students are to be selected before being admitted to the program, the e-mail you receive will contain a link to the Moodle course where you will upload your application video. The e-mail address used will be the address you provided during the online registration procedure.

The video must be in English and should answer the following questions:

  • Who are you? What is your background story?
  • Why do you want to study International Business Administration? What motivates you to pursue the IBA Bachelor’s degree program?
  • Why do you want to come to the JKU Business School?
  • What makes you the right person for the program?
  • What are your career goals for the next 5-10 years? What do you want to accomplish during the course of your career?
  • Be bold! Show us your creative side and have fun making a dynamic video!

Your video must be 1.5 to 2 minutes long and no larger than 250 MB. Acceptable formats include: .avi, .mov, mp4, .m4v, 3gp, .asf, .wmv, .mpg, .mpeg, .mpe. You can also use your smart phone to make your video.

As we are required to verify your identity, please upload a copy of your passport via the same Moodle course. The deadline to upload your application video and a copy of your passport ends at midnight on May 23, 2024.

Please show yourself in the video so we can verify that you are actually speaking in the video.

Our program management team will review your video to determine if it meets the content and language requirements. Once your application video has been reviewed, you will be notified as to whether or not you may continue taking part in the admissions process. The e-mail notification will be sent by no later than June 17, 2024.

Do you have any questions about making and submitting your video? The contact us by sending an e-mail to: ba-iba(at)!

Step 3: Participate in Interview

If you received positive feedback in regard to your application video and have been approved to continue taking part in the admissions procedure, your next step is to prepare and take part in an interview. The interview will take place online and you will receive detailed information about the procedure. The interview will take place in English and will consist of one question about the reading material below. The interview will be evaluated in regard to significantly understanding the reading material in particular, your ability to argue and express an opinion, and your use of language. A question template and an interview template will be available in the Info Box to the right shortly.

How can I best prepare in advance?

1. Familiarize yourself with the reading material

The interview is based on the following reading material (available as an e-book): Fundamentals of Business, Fourth Edition, opens an external URL in a new window

Skripak, Stephen J. and Ron Poff (2023). Fundamentals of Business, 4th Edition, Blacksburg, VA: VT Publishing., opens an external URL in a new window. Licensed with CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, opens an external URL in a new window

The corresponding chapters are:

  • Chapter 2 The Foundations of Business
  • Chapter 3 Economics and Business
  • Chapter 4 Ethics and Social Responsibility
  • Chapter 5 Business in a Global Environment
  • Chapter 6 Forms of Business Ownership
  • Chapter 8 Management and Leadership
  • Chapter 9 Structuring Organizations
  • Chapter 12 Managing Human Resources
  • Chapter 14 Marketing: Providing Value to Customers
  • Chapter 17 Accounting and Financial Information

2. To help prepare for your interview, take a look at the following companies:

Detailed interview assignments will be available in Moodle. Choose ONE assignment and ONE company to be interviewed about. Your interview will be approximately 10 minutes long. The question template and the interview template will be available in the Info Box above shortly.

The main interview period will take place between July 1, 2024, and July 12, 2024. The potential timeslots will be availabe in Moodle between June 17, 2024, to June 24, 2024. You can select an interview timeslot in the Moodle course. Applicants will receive a confirmation e-mail regarding the timeslot by June 26, 2024 (at the latest) to the e-mail address you provided when you applied to the program. If you do not sign up for any of the available timeslots, you will not be able to continue with the admissions procedure.


In accordance with § 14 of the Admissions Regulation, you will receive an e-mail (to the e-mail address you provided during the application procedure) containing the results by no later than July 18, 2024. Based on the results, you will be notified as to whether or not you have been accepted to the program.

Do you have any questions about the interview? Contact us by sending an e-mail to: ba-iba(at)!

The Online Interview

July 1 to July 12, 2024

Select a timeslot and a topic in Moodle!


Via e-mail by July 18, 2024 at the latest

Template Interview

Step 4: Complete Admission

Once you have been accepted to the program, we ask that you submit your enrollment forms to the JKU in order to complete the admissions process. If you are starting the program in Winter Semester 2024/2025, please submit an application for admission by no later than August 5, 2024; for the Summer Semester 2025, at which time you can enroll within the general enrollment period.

Information about enrollment - including the required documents as to when and where you can enroll - is available below.

  • Documents for Students holding Austrian Qualifications

    Learn More
  • Documents for Students holding International Qualifications

    Learn More

Step 5: Pay Austrian Student Union and/or Tuition Fees

When you enroll in the IBA program, you will be subject to paying the Austrian Student Union fee and, if applicable, tuition fees. Only then will you be officially enrolled and ready to begin your studies! See Austrian Student Union Fees and Tuition for detailed information.

Pay the Austrian Student Union fee and, if applicable, tuition fees each semester!

Additional Steps to Start Your Studies

Feel like Studying?

Need an Overview?
Here you will find an overview of general information about the program.