Details of the Master's degree program in Business Informatics.

Here you will find all the details about specializations, study plans, and exam recognition for stays abroad in the Master's degree in Business Informatics.

Recommended Study Plan

The Master's degree program in Business Information takes 4 semesters in which courses amounting to 120 ECTS must be completed.


Subject Areas ECTS
Mandatory Courses 36
Elective Courses 48
Free Electives 6
Master's Thesis (incl. Master Thesis Seminar and Master's Exam) 30
Total 120

Below you will find an overview of the ideal study plan that allows you to complete your studies as quickly and efficiently as possible:

Core Subject Areas

In the Master's degree program in Business Informatics, you determine your own study focus.

You have the choice of selecting one of 12 existing core subject areas. These predefined specializations are coordinated in terms of topic and content and make it easier for you to search for courses: (links currently in German)

  • Information & Knowledge Management
  • Software & Data Engineering
  • Web Engineering & Management
  • Business Engineering & Logistics Management
  • Security Engineering & Management
  • Information Systems & Marketing
  • Information Systems & Finance and Accounting
  • Information Systems & Human Resource Management
  • Information Systems & Economics
  • Business Intelligence & Data Science
  • IT Entrepreneurship
  • Artificial Intelligence in Business

You can also put together your own individual Master's degree by combining areas of specialization from business informatics, computer science, and economics & business.

If subjects (modules or courses) of a specialization have already been completed in the Bachelor's degree programme on which admission is based, the Master's degree programme can still be completed with a specialization that includes these subjects (modules or courses) if other subjects (modules or courses) are chosen from the compulsory or elective courses to the same extent instead.

Mandatory Courses

As part of the mandatory courses, 24 ECTS must be completed in the subject area Business Informatics. These must be supplemented by a further 12-36 ECTS from the elective courses of the subject area Business Informatics (see elective courses). Each of the subjects listed below comprises 6, 12 or 18 ECTS credits. At least 6 ECTS must be completed from each subject. Courses that have already been completed in the Bachelor's degree program on which admission is based can no longer be chosen. However, a subject chosen in the Bachelor's degree program can be further deepened by selecting other courses from this subject.


Subject ECTS
Information Engineering & Management 6, 12, 18
Service Engineering 6, 12, 18
Business Intelligence 6, 12, 18
Business Engineering & Management 6, 12, 18
Total min. 24


Details of the subjects

Information Engineering & Management is divided into the following courses and modules, one of which must be completed as part of the compulsory program:

Code Module Title ECTS
926INEMSIP13 Strategische IT-Planung 6
926INEMSOB17 Software Business 6
926MIEM13 Methoden und Konzepte des Information Engineering & Management 6

If a module has already been completed in the Bachelor's degree program as an elective, at least one further module worth 6 ECTS must be selected from the subject Information Engineering & Management in the Master's degree program.

Service Engineering is divided into the following courses and modules, whereby the Service Engineering module must be completed as part of the compulsory program:

Code Module Title ECTS
926SERESEN13 Service Engineering 6
926ASEN13 Advanced Service Engineering 6
926SEREASE13 Anwendungen des Service Engineering 6

If the Service Engineering module has already been completed in the Bachelor's degree program as an elective, at least one further module from the Service Engineering subject must be selected in the Master's degree program to the extent of 6 ECTS credits.

Business Intelligence is divided into the following modules, one of which must be completed as part of the compulsory program:

Code Module Title ECTS
926BUSIDAW13 Data Warehousing 6
926BUSIDAM13 Data Mining 6
926BUSISET13 Semantic Technologies 6

If a module for has already been completed in the Bachelor's degree course as an elective, at least one further module worth 6 ECTS must be selected from the subject Business Intelligence in the Master's degree course.

Business Engineering & Management is divided into the following subjects and modules, whereby the Business Engineering module must be completed as part of the compulsory program:

Code Module Title ECTS
926BEMABEM13 Business Engineering & Management 6
926ABEM13 Advanced Business Engineering & Management 6
926BEMAABE13 Anwendungen des Business Engineering & Management 6

If the Business Engineering & Management module has already been completed in the Bachelor's degree program as an elective, at least one further module/subject from the Business Engineering & Management subject must be selected in the Master's degree program to the extent of 6 ECTS.

In addition to the area of specialization in Business Informatics, courses from the following subjects are compulsory to the extent specified:


Module Title ECTS
Ausgewählte Aspekte der Wirtschaftsinformatik 6
Advanced Text Production in Business Informatics 3
Vertiefende soziale und geschlechterspezifische Aspekte der IT 3
Total 12

When choosing courses from the subject Ausgewählte Aspekte der Wirtschaftsinformatik, please note that courses that have already been completed in the Bachelor's degree program on which admission is based can no longer be chosen.

Elective Courses

Our elective courses allow students to specialize in subject areas to acquire skills that let them align themselves with their desired professions. In combination with the predefined core subject areas, these electives allow students to deepen their knowledge in subjects that interest them most. Students must complete 48 ECTS from the following subjects, whereby the area of specialization in Business Informatics is not listed as a separate subject in the elective program, but expands the area of specialization in Business Informatics in the mandatory courses accordingly:


Subject Area ECTS
Spezialkompetenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 12, 18, 24 oder 36
Spezialkompetenz Wirtschaftswissenschaften 0, 6*, 12, 18, oder 24
Spezialkompetenz Informatik 0, 6*, 12, 18, oder 24
Wahlfach Informationsrecht 0 oder 6
Wahlfach Methodenlehre 0 oder 6
Total 48

* only when choosing a Core Subject Area

Details of the areas of specialization

Specialization in Economics & Business can be acquired by choosing courses in one or more of the following ways for a minimum total of 12 ECTS credits or 6 ECTS credits if a core subject area is chosen:

Subject-specific choice of courses

By choosing 12, 18 or 24 ECTS from one of the subjects listed in the table below. This variant can be chosen twice for different subjects with 12 ECTS credits each and is listed in the degree certificate as "Specialization in Economics & Business - X", where X is the subject from which the courses were chosen.

Subject ECTS
Economics 12, 18, 24
Entrepreneurship 18, 24
Strategic Management 12, 18
Finance and Accounting 12, 18, 24
Human Resource Management & Organisation 12, 18, 24
Logistics Management 12, 18, 24
Marketing 12, 18


Free combination of courses

By choosing 6 or 12 ECTS from mandatory or elective courses of the Master's degree program in General Management or the subjects from the table above (variant 1). Variant 2 may only be chosen once and is listed as the subject "Specialization in Economics & Business - Selected Topics in Economics & Business (Master)". A choice of 6 ECTS credits is only permitted if another subject according to variant 1 is chosen, the subject "Selected Topics in Economics & Business (Master, abroad)" is also chosen, or if the degree program is completed with a core subject area.


Themed combination of courses adhering to a Core Subject Area

By selecting courses in accordance to a Core Subject Area for the subject "Specialization in Economics & Business", if the degree program is to be completed with this core subject area. This variant is listed in the degree certificate as the subject "Specialization in Economics & Business - Core Subject Area".

Specialization in Informatics can be acquired by choosing courses from the Master's program in Computer Science at the JKU in one or more of the following ways for a minimum total of 12 ECTS credits or 6 ECTS credits when choosing a core subject area:

Subject-specific choice of courses

By choosing 12, 18 or 24 ECTS from one of the subjects listed in the table below. This variant can be chosen twice for different subjects, each with 12 ECTS credits, and is listed in the degree certificate as "Specialization in Computer Sciecne - X", where X is the subject from which the courses were chosen.

Subject ECTS
Computational Engineering (CS) 0-27
Data Science (CS) 0-27
Intelligent Information Systems (CS) 0-27
Networks and Security (CS) 0-27
Pervasive Computing (CS) 0-27
Software Engineering (CS) 0-27

Free combination of courses

By choosing 6 or 12 ECTS from mandatory and elective courses from the Master's degree program in Computer Science. Variant 2 may only be chosen once and is listed as the subject "Specialization in Computer Science - Selected Topics in Computer Science (Master)". A choice of 6 ECTS is only permitted if another subject is chosen as per variant 1, the subject "Selected Topics in Computer Science (Master, abroad)" is also chosen, or the degree program is completed with a core subject area.

Themed combination of courses adhering to a Core Subject Area

By selecting courses in accordance to a Core Subject Area, opens in new window for the subject "Specialization in Computer Science", if the degree program is to be completed with this core subject area. This variant is listed in the degree certificate as the subject "Specialization in Computer Science - Major".

If a lecture is accompanied by an exercise, both courses must be completed.

Courses that largely overlap with the content of compulsory subjects in Business Informatics are excluded from the selection. These are listed in the study handbook.

Admission Regulations

The Master's degree program in Business Informatics builds on the Bachelor's degree program in Business Informatics offered at the Johannes Kepler University. Successful completion of one of the degree programs listed below at the Johannes Kepler University Linz entitles you to admission to this Master's program:


  • Bachelor Business Informatics
  • Bachelor/Diploma Business & Economics
  • Bachelor Business Administration
  • Bachelor/Diploma Computer Science
  • Bachelor Artificial Intelligence

For graduates of Business Informatics, Computer Science, or Artificial Intelligence, admission is unconditional. For graduates in Business Administration or Business & Economics, admission is subject to conditions. The exact regulations can be found in the curriculum.

Admission based on other studies

Admission based on the completion of other studies at universities, universities of applied sciences, or other recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institutions requires that the completed studies are equivalent in content and scope to one of the studies at the Johannes Kepler University listed below:

  • Bachelor Business Informatics
  • Bachelor/Diploma Business & Economics
  • Bachelor Business Administration
  • Bachelor/Diploma Computer Science
  • Bachelor Artificial Intelligence

For this type of admission, it must be determined at the time of admission with which of the above-mentioned studies an equivalence exists and whether the requirements for graduates of the above-mentioned fields of study are to be applied as an alternative to the requirements for graduates of the Bachelor's degree program in Business Informatics.

More information on admission to the Master's degree program in Business Informatics on the basis of a relevant Bachelor's degree program at a university, university of applied sciences, or another equivalent degree program at a recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution can be found here, opens a file in a new window.

You can find a detailed list of admission requirements for university of applied sciences degree programs in Upper Austria here, opens a file in a new window.

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