Master's Degree in Biological Chemistry.

The joint Master’s degree program in "Biological Chemistry" is a unique program offered by both the Johannes Kepler University and the University of South Bohemia (USB) in Budweis (České Budějovice).

The program expands on the curriculum of the joint Bachelor’s degree program in Biological Chemistry (JKU/USB). The curriculum is highly flexible, allowing students to pursue an interdisciplinary combination of subjects in chemistry, biochemistry, biology and biophysics as well as individual course selections. Graduates of the Bachelor’s degree program in Technical Chemistry (JKU) – and other comparable undergraduate majors – can be admitted to the Master’s degree program after successfully completing bridging subjects in Biology. The Master’s degree program is offered entirely in English and students are awarded two diplomas (MSc, Mgr.).


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Master's Degree in Biological Chemistry


Master of Science (MSc)
Magistr (Mgr.)


5 Semesters


Linz and Budweis


150 Credits


English (Level B2)

  • JKU Open House 2025 Visit us on April 4 and 5, 2025, at the Kepler Hall on campus and learn more about the academic degree programs we offer!

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Your Benefits

  • Expertise in bioorganic chemistry, structural biology and chemistry, systems biology, etc.
  • Proficiency in modern laboratory technologies
  • Flexible, interdisciplinary academic degree program
  • Engage in hands-on research for your thesis

Program Objectives, Job Opportunities, Career Prospects

The Master‘s degree program offers a wide range of in-depth subjects enabling you to tailor your learning experience in modern life sciences and to conduct your own research. Detailed attention is given to:

  • Developing problem-solving skills in chemistry and biology, high quality, interdisciplinary education, boosting communication skills in an international research environment
  • Advanced expertise in bioanalytical chemistry, bioorganic chemistry, biochemistry, structural biology, etc.
  • Continuing expertise in current fields of life science and key technologies
  • Acquiring hands-on, real-world experience by applying the latest bioanalytical and preparative methods as well as maintain appropriate safety standards

The scientific scope of the joint Master’s degree program in "Biological Chemistry" is broad and graduates are highly qualified to enter demanding professions in research, development, monitoring, and management at many different lines of business:

  • White biotechnologies (bio-processes in production)
  • Red biotechnologies (biomedical and medical technologies)
  • Green biotechnologies (phyto-chemistry and biotechnologies)
  • Chemical and pharmaceutical industries
  • Foodstuffs, drinks and the cosmetics industry
  • Medical diagnostic laboratories
  • Private and public research facilities
  • Bioanalysis and environmental analysis
  • Regional, national, and international regulatory authorities and agencies

On average, graduates in this field find a job 2 months after completing the program. After 3 years on the job, their average monthly gross salary is € 3.701.

Recommended Study Plan

As part of the Master’s degree program, students are required to complete courses totaling 120 ECTS credits in the following areas:

SEMESTER S1* S2* S3** S4** S5***

Fundamentals of Chemistry and Technology for Biochemistry

x x      

Advanced Biology and Biochemistry

    x x  

Complementary Subjects


Electives in the area of Chemistry 1

x x      

Electives in the area of Chemistry 2

x x      

Electives in the area of Biology 1

    x x  

Electives in the area of Biology 2

    x x  


x x x x  

Master's Thesis


Master's Seminar and Final Master's Examination



Video about the Program

Admission Requirements

  • Prospective students wishing to enroll in the Master's degree in Biological Chemistry at the JKU should hold a Bachelor's degree in Biological Chemistry (JKU), Technical Chemistry (JKU), Molecular Biology (JKU), or a degree equivalent in scope and content to the degree programs listed.

Additional information about admission requirements is available at the Admissions Office.

Still Have Questions?

Do you need help registering or do you have questions about the program? Contact the JKU's Office of Student Information and Academic Advising (SIBS)!


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