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Department for Equality, Equitable Opportunities and Diversity
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Our Activities.

At the Johannes Kepler University, we regard ourselves as a driving force behind

  • strengthening awareness-raising initiatives
  • making the university a safer, inclusive space for everyone
  • including disabled individuals as an accepted and acknowledged part of the organization
  • recognizing gender diversity
  • a commitment to combating racism and discrimination
  • addressing social exclusion and its impact at the university
  • organizationally addressing gender-based violence
  • taking measures to combat sexualized discrimination and violence

Equality &
the Advancement of Women

[Translate to Englisch:] Flaggen am Weltfrauentag

Equal Opportunities &

[Translate to Englisch:] JKU Einfahrt Altenberger Straße - Regenbogenzebrastreifen mit Kepler Hall im Hintergrund

Work/Life Balance

[Translate to Englisch:] Screenshot WLC Startseite

The Gender &
Diversity Report

[Translate to Englisch:] Cover des aktuellen GD Berichts

Fem in Tech

[Translate to Englisch:] FIT Logo - rosa Buchstaben auf weißem Hintergrund

Inclusive Language

Language-Use Recommendations
[Translate to Englisch:] Cover Sprachleitfaden



In times of marginalizing attitudes in both politics and in society, a university's commitment to equality, equal opportunities and diversity is a commitment to being open-minded, accepting and inclusive.