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Department for Equality, Equitable Opportunities and Diversity
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Equal Opportunities and Diversity.

Diversity Strategy

The JKU's diversity strategy marks the beginning of a participative approach to continue creating a dynamic, diversity-oriented academic, learning and work culture, thereby institutionalizing efforts to support diversity. A plurality of convictions, diverse lifestyles, and a colorful workforce regionally strengthen our university. A series of measures divided into five pillars represent our university's commitment to actively supporting diversity.


Click here to learn more about the JKU's 'Diversity Strategy'.

Flaggen im JKU Regenbogendesign vorm Unicenter

Diversity-oriented Counseling Services at the JKU

Many different departments at the Johannes Kepler University have joined forces to create a diverse university that offers equal opportunities.

Click here for an overview compiled by the Department of Gender Equality, Equitable Opportunities & Diversity.

Beratungssituation im Büro des AKGs.

Support Centers for Diverse Communities Outside of the JKU

Click here (PDF), opens a file for addresses to contact different counseling services in Upper Austria/Austria relating to single parenthood, disabilities, chronic illnesses, family and parenting support, intersex issues, LGBTIQ*, mobile family support, emergency situations, crises, and long-term care.

Screenshot des Dokuments

Diversity-awareness Workshops for Employees

As part of our in-house seminar program, we offer ongoing seminars focusing on gender and diversity

Click here, opens an external URL in a new window to learn more about our in-house seminar programs for employees.

Click here, opens an external URL in a new window to learn more about our in-house seminars.


EU Diversity Month

The European Commission declared May as Diversity Month in 2020. In an effort to raise awareness about gender equality and its anti-discrimination strategy at all levels at the university, the JKU has been actively involved in the annual initiative since 2022. We want to practice mutual respect and appreciation, whatever one's gender identity might be, along with those who are (or aren't) disabled, and those from Austria or other parts of the world. Together - with our individual strengths and shortcomings - we all make up the JKU. Be it as students, faculty members, or as administrative employees, we want to work towards creating the best possible university for everyone.


Click here for an overview of the growing range of programs and activities: EU Diversity Month.

Diversity Month

Pride Month

In an effort to draw attention to LGBTIQ* issues, raise more awareness, and educate others, the JKU has marked Pride Month since 2024. Even today, LGBTIQ+ diversity remains largely unrecognized and countless individuals are unable to live freely and embrace their diverse lifestyles. In fact, people in many parts of the world are forced to conceal their queer identity for fear of their lives. We aim to advocate on behalf of (marginalized) groups who repeatedly find their place in society called into question, and even repressed. As a university - a place that is open to the world and a trailblazer within the community - our responsibilities include making space for everyone*!


Learn more: Pride Month

[Translate to Englisch:] Foto der Pride Flaggen am JKU Campus

Space for Everyone

As part of its “Space for Everyone” initiative, beginning in November 2023, most buildings at the JKU provided easily accessible, gender-neutral restrooms . According to the statistics, approximately 3.3% of the population falls in the gender binary spectrum. As nearly 27,000 people work and study at the JKU, protecting these groups from any type of discrimination has become second nature to the university.


Click here to learn more.

[Translate to Englisch:] All Gender Toilettenbeschilderung

Intersectional Get-Togethers

The JKU's inclusive, monthly Intersectional Get-Togethers aim to create a 'feel-good', discrimination-free space for everyone, allowing people to connect and come together as well as share personal experiences in dealing with racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia, migratism, ableism, classism, ageism, ...


Learn more: Intersectional Get-Together

[Translate to Englisch:] Flyer Inersetktionales Get Together