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Audit "hochschuleundfamilie".

The “Hochschuleundfamilie Audit" is a management initiative to sustainably support implementing more needs-based, family-friendly policies at universities.

Based on 13 areas of action in an internal university process, targeted goals and initiatives to support family-friendly university policies have been defined, identified, and introduced in five clusters. Everyone at the university - students and employees alike - are expected to benefit from improving the work/life balance.

In 2011, the Johannes Kepler University Linz was first acknowledged as a family-friendly university in 2011, earning the 2011 basic certificate. The Austrian federal ministry responsible for family agendas officially recognized the university again in 2015, 2018, and 2021. In 2016, the JKU placed first for the national “Companies for Families” award in the “Public Companies” category.

The JKU is currently in its fourth re-auditing phase, focusing on the following five areas of action.

  • Organizing studies
  • Academia & Education/Teaching
  • Work Organization
  • Health & Employability
  • Family Services

Department of Human Resource Development, Gender & Diversity Management

Office of Gender & Diversity Management


Johannes Kepler University
Altenberger Straße 69
4040 Linz / Austria


Science Park 5, 2nd Floor, S5 0221


Mirjam Strecker, BA


+43 732 2468 3028