2024 Diversity Month at the JKU in May
There is strength in diversity. Diversity accommodates the plurality of convictions and welcomes different ways of life. People are diverse and colorful, giving us new perspectives as well as opportunities to broaden our horizons and see things in ways we never did before, thereby inspiring our creativity.
We want to live appreciation, regardless of gender identity. People with and without disabilities. People from Austria and other parts of the world. We all form the JKU together, with individually different strengths and weaknesses. Whether as a student, faculty member, or in administration: together we want the best possible university for everyone.
The European Diversity Month was first launched in May 2020 to mark the 10th
anniversary of the EU Platform of Diversity Charters. This year, the focus is on "Building Bridges". Organizations across Europe are invited to promote diversity and act accordingly. Detailed information about the 2024 EU Diversity Month is available at: eudiversity2024.eu/european-diversity-month-2024/, opens an external URL in a new window.
The JKU Diversity Strategy was published in May 2021, closely followed by the JKU Equal Opportunities Plan in June 2021. The 'Month of Diversity' project fulfils key goals and measures as outlined in these two documents which serve as the basis for diversity and equality. Click here to learn more: https://www.jku.at/en/the-jku/about-us/diversity-strategy/.
Diversity Month is about raising awareness as a strategy to combat anti-discrimination. In addition, those at all levels at the university should become more aware about the issues regarding equality. The JKU aims to celebrate Diversity Month annually, thereby providing a long-term opportunity to not only reflect, but initiate its own field of action. Detailed information about the 2024 JKU Month of Diversity is available below.