A number of JKU employees - not all listed here - have made, and continue to make, committed efforts to support the advancement of women at the JKU. This is in no way meant to diminish their efforts. We have deliberately chosen to focus on individual institutes and departments as it was nearly impossible to comprehensively review everyone's contributions during the project period. The Institute of Women's and Gender Studies, the Institute for Legal Gender Studies, and the Gender & Diversity Management Unit are prominently featured as they all have - and had have - significant overlaps in terms of personnel and content with the research's "initial object of study", the Office for Women's Research and Women's Studies.
All the way from the university's inception to the present day.
Established at the JKU in the summer of 1993, the "Office for Women's Research and Women's Studies" celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2023. The occasion is an ideal opportunity to explore and review the history behind the advancement of women at the JKU.
- The 60s and 70s: The JKU Comes into Its Own. 12% of all students are female.
- The 80s: Women's Issues Move into the Spotlight. Holding awareness events and assemblies as well as forming working groups.
- The 90s: Creating Legal and Institutional Parameters. The Office of Women's Research and Women's Studies is officially established.
- The 2000s: JKU Goes Gender: Creating the IFG and the Office for the Advancement of Women
- The 2010s: Growth and Advancing Policies. Women outnumber men in terms of student enrollment.
- The 2020s: Quo Vadis, JKU? For the first time, women preside over the University Council and Senate.
Get involved!
Sie sind Protagonist*in oder Zeitzeug*in? Sie haben Fotos und/oder andere Materialien zur Geschichte der Frauen(förderung) an der JKU, die Sie gerne mit uns teilen möchten? Sie haben Anregungen oder Anmerkungen?
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Department for Gender Equality, Equal Opportunity and Diversity
0732 2468 3025
History of the
Advancement of Women
![[Translate to Englisch:] Cover von Frauenförderung an der JKU](/fileadmin/_processed_/d/7/csm_Kachelbild_III_f9c8dddb57.png)
Institute for Legal Gender Studies
Legal Disclosure
- The archives at the Johannes Kepler University.
- The digital archives at the Department of Gender & Diversity Management.
- Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, Hg., Von der Geschlechterpolitik zur diversitätsorientierten Gleichstellungspolitik im österreichischen Hochschul- und Forschungsraum, Wien 2023.
- Information. Journal of the Inter-University Coordination Centers for Women's Studies Vienna, Linz and Graz, 1994-2000.
- JKU, ed. in, The Johannes Kepler University Linz 1966-2000, Linz 2000.
- JKU, Gender & Diversity Report, 2009-2021.
- JKU, News from Campus, 2001/5.
- JKU, University News, 1991/1 und 1993/2.
- JKU, Intellectual Capital Report, 2005-2021.
- Karin Neuwirth, Von der Frauenrechtsgeschichte zu Legal Gender Studies, in: Maria Wirth, Andreas Reichl u. Marcus Gräser, eds, 50 Jahre Johannes Kepler Universität Linz. Innovationsfelder in Forschung, Lehre und universitärem Alltag, Vienna et al. 2017, 179-197.
- Edeltraud Ranftl, Von der maskulinen Geburt zu feministischer Wissenschaft und Gender Studies an der JKU, in: Wirth et al., 50 Jahre JKU. Innovationsfelder, Vienna et al. 2017, 327-346.
- Andreas Reichl, Zahlen, Daten und Fakten zur Entwicklung der Johannes Kepler Universität, in: the same, Maria Wirth and Marcus Gräser, 50 Jahre Johannes Kepler Universität Linz: Eine „Hochschule neuen Stils“, Vienna et al. 2016, 211-240.
- Roberta Schaller-Steidl and Barbara Neuwirth, eds, Frauenförderung in Wissenschaft und Forschung. Konzepte, Strukturen, Praktiken, Vienna 2003.
- Maria Wirth, Vorgeschichte, Entstehung und Entwicklung der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, in: the same, incl., 50 Jahre JKU. „Hochschule neuen Stils“, Vienna et al. 2016, 25-210.
All of the individual sources are available in the running text version (pdf), opens a file! (German only)
Responsible for the website content:
Department of Gender & Diversity Management, Dr. Luisa Pichler-Baumgartner, BA.
Website design: Josef Kreutz-Soxberger, BA MA.
We would like to thank Dr. Karin Neuwirth, Dr. Wolfgang Reder, MMag. Andreas Reichl, Dr. Margit Waid and Martina Wallner, BA MA for their valuable input and editing.
Please direct your comments and suggestions to: gd(at)jku.at
You can find a more comprehensive overview and additional information in the full text version (pdf), opens a file. (German only)