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The 2010s - Enhancing and Advancing Policies and Measures.

  1. 2010/2011

    • In 2010, shortly before Ursula Floßmann's retirement, the Institute for Austrian and German Legal History is renamed the Institute for Legal Gender Studies. In doing so, the name incorporates what has already been part of their research focus at this institute over many decades.
    • In 2010, 15% of the JKU's 136 professors (including associate and assistant professors) are female.
    • In 2010, 20 additional positions for junior female scholars are created across all faculties. The new positions are funded for up to 10 years each in order to encourage post-doctoral qualifications and increase the number of women professors at the JKU.
    • The JKU is among the first Austrian universities to take part in the Audit „Hochschule und Familie“ in 2010. Since then, activities to support work-life balance have been in the forefront and continually improved. The JKU is awarded a basic certificate by the Ministry of Family Affairs in 2011. The fourth re-audit phase (up to 2024) is currently underway.
    • Starting in 2011, flexible childcare services ("Kidsversity") has been outsourced to an external partner, the OÖ Hilfswerk.
    • In partnership with universities in Salzburg and Krems, "Mentoring III" isestablished in 2011 as a program to mentor female junior academics. Per cohort, each university provides assistance to five mentees.
    • The Institute for Women's and Gender Studies (IFG) publishes the first Linz Women's Report in 2011 together with the Office for Women's Affairs (city of Linz).


  2. 2012/2013

    • In 2012, the JKU begins taking part in developing and growing the Austrian universities' dual career network.
    • Silvia Ulrich becomes head of the Institute of Legal Gender Studies in 2012.
    • New support and awareness programs are introduced that begin early in the educational system to encourage girls to pursue careers and studies in engineering and science. In 2013 and 2014, the Department for Policies in Equal Opportunity carried out the INTERREG project "Girls in Engineering, Boys in Education" in the border region with Bavaria.
  3. 2014/2015

    • The "Berufsbilder-Berufswahl-rechtzeitig!" (2014-2015) program is organized in cooperation with the Office of Women's Affairs (city of Linz), supports gender-neutral career and university choices for girls and boys and is focused on the field of engineering. Download the handout.
    • Beginning in 2014, the Zonta (STEM) Award is announced and presented annually. The award is presented to a particularly ambitious and engaged female student in the areas of engineering and natural sciences.
    • As of 2015, and in accordance with an amendment to the Federal Equal Treatment Act, 50% of all university collegial bodies and committees must include women. This quota is met in the Rectorate as of 2015 under Rector Meinhard Lukas.
    • For the first time since the 70s, a woman is appointed to the position of Dean at the JKU (Faculty of Law) in 2015: legal scholar Katharina Pabel.
    • In 2015, the OÖ Hilfswerk establishes a daycare facility for children of JKU employees.
  4. 2016/2017

    • In cooperation with the Upper Austrian Women's Department and the Upper Austrian Women's Soccer Center, the "WE Play Soccer, Too" program (2015-2016) offers a new approach to working towards gender equality at the JKU. Girls are encouraged to play soccer, while teachers are trained in providing gender-aware lessons.
    • In 2016, the JKU isrecognized with 1st place for the state award "Companies Supporting Families" in the category of "Public Institutions".
    • The 2016/2017 academic year marked the first time that the number of women from among the approximately 19,200 students at the JKU was slightly higher (50.4%) than than the number of men. In terms of lecturing hours, women make up 31% of the faculty.
    • The "karriere_links" and "Mentoring III" programs were consolidated in 2017 to become "Career Mentoring III". Over a two-year period, a total of twelve female doctoral candidates and twelve female post-doctoral candidates from universities in Linz, Salzburg, and Krems take part in workshop series and mentoring sessions.
  5. 2018/2019

    • In 2018, the Institute for Women's and Gender Studies (IFG) publishes the second annual Women's Report of the City of Linz together with the Office for Women's Affairs (city of Linz).
    • Under the name "Karriere_Netz", an open, intra-university professional networking meeting for female academics is offered in 2018 and 2019.
    • The Iris Fischlmayr Awards (formerly the JKU goes gender awards) are presented annually in recognition of outstanding dissertations and Diploma/master's theses related to diversity; the Iris Fischlmayr Scholarship to support a female doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences is announced in 2019. The awards are named after the JKU business economist who passed away in 2017.
    • As part of the work-life balance initiative, the Gender & Diversity Management Unit has been organizing regular events for employees on parental leave since 2019, such as the Parent-Parental Leave Forum and the Parent-Child Brunch. The idea is to stay in touch with employees and facilitate their (rapid) return to work following parental leave.

Images from this decade:

„Despite the fact that the percentage of women in the student body and among PhD candidates is rising steadily, the number of women in academic leadership positions continues to be correspondingly low.  Structural disadvantages and stereotypes still keep women from holding leadership positions, also in academia. The JKU must continue to make it a priority to actively support the advancement of women.“
Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Elisabeth Greif, Institute for Legal Gender Studies
[Translate to Englisch:] Portrait von Prof.in Greif