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The 2020s - Quo vadis?

  1. 2020

    • In 2020, the Department of Gender & Diversity Management publishes a new (German) guideline for inclusive language. Using the gender asterisk is recommended for the first time, as the gender asterisk helps to ensure all genders are equally represented and addressed. Relevant and useful information is available on the website Platz für Sprache. (German only)


  2. 2021

    • In terms of work-life balance, the Work-Life Compass 2021 is a digital tool to help manage parental leave. Employees and management can use the tool to access information about parental, educational and healthcare leave. Guidelines help organize any leave of absences with ease. JKU employees can access the Work-Life Compass here: https://worklifecompass.jku.at/de, opens an external URL in a new window
    • In 2021, the "Kidsversity" créche welcomes a second group.
    • The Rectorate adopts the "JKU Diversity Strategy with Diversity-Oriented Academic, Learning and Working Culture" in 2021. The strategy is structured according to five outcome goals, of which goal 4 includes " Improving women's professional career paths".
    • That same year, the JKU's adopts a Gender Equality Plan as part of its statutes. The plan includes the university's commitment to support a comprehensive gender and diversity management program.
    • To increase the percentage of women studying math, computer sciences, natural sciences and engineering, the JKU created the digital program MI(N)TMACHEN, opens an external URL in a new window in 2021/2022 as a career guidance tool for girls in 4th grade classes at NMS and AHS schools. The five short films feature female junior researchers providing insight into their everyday activities at the JKU.
    • In 2021, 31 of the 175 university professors at the JKU are women, nearly 18%. If their equivalents (such as associate professors and university lecturers) are included, the percentage of women in the group of "professors" increases to 22%.
    • Women hold 30% of lecturing hours during the 2021/2022 academic year. The percentage of women among all of the academic personnel in 2021 is approximately 36%. The percentage of women in charge of managing institutes this year is 20%.
    • During the 2021/2022 academic year, 52% of the JKU's approximately 23,200 enrolled students are female.
    • In 2021, the percentage of women amongst administrative employees ("general employees") was 62%. The percentage of women in management positions (such as heads of departments/institutes) has risen steadily in recent years to 39% (compared to 32% in 2019).


  3. 2022


    • In 2022, the Senate unanimously approves renewing the voluntary commitment (from 2004) to include gender studies (university courses in women's and gender studies) as part of all of the curricula.
    • In 2022, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Labour and Economy presents the JKU with the "equalitA Gütesiegel für innerbetriebliche Frauenförderung". The seal of approval is a distinction awarded to companies for their efforts to ensure and support gender equality in the workplace, as well as visibly support women's careers.


  4. 2023

    • In 2023, Elisabeth Greif is appointed professors at the Institute for Legal Gender Studies.
    • Ursula Rami becomes the first woman to chair the JKU Senate in October 2023.


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