In accordance with § 95 of the Austrian Universities Act (in the currently valid form) and to financially support a junior female academic/scientist in the area of engineering and natural sciences at the Johannes Kepler University Linz for a 12-month period, a research grant in the form of a dissertation grant is awarded to financially assist in completing a dissertation.
Application Requirements:
All female scientists who are at least in their second year of doctoral studies in technical and natural sciences at Johannes Kepler University Linz are invited to apply. In order to ensure fairness and promote equal opportunities, biographical factors such as childcare, disabilities and/or (chronic) illnesses, caregiving responsibilities for relatives, or similar circumstances will be considered in the selection process.
Any employment relationship with JKU that is already in existence or to be established during the period of the scholarship must be communicated to the coordinating office. In such a case, the scholarship holder is obliged to perform any and all activities in connection with their dissertation outside of their regular working hours. Overlaps concerning content and/or working hours between scholarship and JKU employment are not allowed.
Please submit the following:
- An informal application containing a current CV and a Letter of Intent
- A description of the dissertation
(incl. details about the objectives, hypotheses, methodology, work and time schedule, dissemination strategies and collaborations, interest in international research networks) - Academic/scientific vitae (incl. a list of publications)
- Letter of recommendation by the dissertation supervisor in support of the application
- Signed supplement concerning participation confirmation and privacy policy
Please attach the following to the application:
- Proof of nationality (copy) / Proof of comparable status as a national in accordance with § 4 StudFG (copy) / Proof of a residence permit for the duration of the scholarship, or verification that residence permit requirements for the duration of the scholarship have been met
- Proof of admission to a doctorate degree program (studies record sheet, study period confirmation, confirmation of enrollment, etc.)
- Copy of conferral for all academic degrees
- An abstract of the applicant's Diploma degree/Master's thesis
Duration, Amount and Reporting Requirement:
The fellowship duration is for a 12-month period.
The monthly amount of financial support is € 2,500 and is subject to income tax.
If there is an employment relationship with the JKU, or one is to be established during the period of the scholarship, please notify the coordinating office. In this case, the scholarship recipient must perform any and all activities related to their dissertation outside of regularly scheduled work hours. Any overlap regarding content and/or work hours between scholarship recipient and employment at the JKU is not permitted.
The fellowship recipient is required to submit a detailed report at the end of fellowship period.
The report is to be sent to the coordinating office, the Department of Human Resources Development, Gender & Diversity Management, gleichstellung(at)
The fellowship may not be extended and the recipient may not re-apply.
Submission Deadline:
Submit all completed documents in electronic form to: Johannes Kepler University Linz, Department of Human Resource Development, Gender & Diversity Management, Office of Gender & Diversity Management, by no later than March 15, 2025. Any applications received after the deadline date cannot be considered. No claims of any kind can be extracted from this call or from an application.