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Department of Gender & Diversity Management.

1993-2023: 30 years of Women's research and Women's studies at JKU.


The unit's central responsibilities include supporting the advancement of women, institutionalizing equal opportunities, social inclusion, and diversity as well as work/study and life balance.

The main objectives at the Office for Gender & Diversity Management include:

  • Supporting a corporate culture more attuned to gender democracy and diversity
  • Developing strategies to implement "Gender Mainstreaming" principles
  • Raising awareness and creating sensitivity for gender and diversity
  • Increasing the proportion of women in underrepresented areas
  • Establishing broadly effective programs to support the professional advancement of women

Detailed information about measures, responsibilities and programs fulfilling the objectives as outlined above are available below.

The office's responsibilities are based primarily on the following documents:

The Office of Gender & Diversity Management


Johannes Kepler University
Altenberger Straße 69
4040 Linz


Science Park 5
2nd Floor, S5 0219

Office Hours/Secretary

Mon - Fri, 8.30 AM - 12.00 PM



Space for Diversity.
Gender and Diversity-Specific Activities

The annual Gender & Diversity Report serves to present and analyze equality-related and diversity-specific information regarding university employees. The report illustrates the gender distribution among students, faculty members, and general personnel, as well as selected dimensions of diversity, forming the basis for additional measures in the area of advancement of women, equality, and diversity.

The 2021 Gender & Diversity Report was prepared in collaboration with the Competence Network Information Technology (KI-I) for the first time and is accessible in the digital version in accordance with PDF/UA (Universal Accessibility).

If you would like a print copy, please send a request to: gd(at)jku.at.

Click here, opens a file in a new window to read the 2021 Gender & Diversity report (German only).

Click here, opens an external URL in a new window to access older reports


Martina Wallner, BA MA
Ph.: +43 732 2468 3026

At the end of February 2022, the JKU successfully qualified for the equalitA seal for supporting the advancement of women within the company. The equalitA seal is awarded to companies that promote and foster gender equality within the company, support the advancement of women's careers and ensuring visibility, thereby supporting professional gender equality both at their own company and elsewhere. The Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs is setting an example by introducing the seal for companies in support of equal opportunities, equality and fairness. See: www.equalita.at, opens an external URL in a new window to learn more.

Concrete measures to support the advancement of women at the JKU include FIT (Women inTechnology), the Career Mentoring III program to support women acaemics, the Cross Mentoring Program, and various awards and scholarships (such as the Iris Fischlmayr Awards & Scholarship and the Zonta Award).


Mirjam Strecker, BA
Ph.: +43 732 2468 3028

In an effort to counteract the gender asymmetry that continues to exist at our university, the JKU considers it its socio-political responsibility to take action in the area of gender equality policy as well as support the advancement of women. For many years now, the universities of Linz, Krems and Salzburg have come together to jointly offer "Karriere_Mentoring III", a career development program for women academics and scientists. The career development program is open to women doctoral and post-doctoral candidates in various disciplines and also fosters subject-specific mentoring relationships, thereby providing professional career support to advance the participants' personal skills and potential as well as expand one's professional network. The kick off for the next round of the program will happen in May 2024.

Click here to learn more about the program for women academics and scholars.


Dr.in Luisa Pichler-Baumgartner, BA
PH: +43 732 2468 3025

The Cross-Mentoring program, opens an external URL in a new window is intended for women in (future) leadership and expert positions by providing active support focusing on women in professional careers.

During an 8-month process, a mentor from 'Company A' mentors a female mentee from 'Company B'. This creates an enriching, cross-company, individual, supportive, and advisory process.

The program aims to raise the proportion of women in management positions in Upper Austria, especially as their expertise, creativity and unique character are an essential resource.


Mirjam Strecker, BA
Ph.: +43 732 2468 3028

Beginning in 2021, institutions wishing to apply for Horizon Europe are asked to present a Gender Equality Plan. The University of Linz has a Plan to Support the Advancement of Women, and an Equality Plan. These plans meet most of Horizon Europe's Gender Equality Plan requirements. In addition, there is a Statement of Commitment which directly links the status quo at the University of Linz to the criteria outlined by Horizon Europe.

The JKU's Statement of Committmen, opens a filet is available in our research profile.

Josef Michael Kreutz-Soxberger, BA MA
Ph: +43 732 2468 3027

Space for Family.
A Family-Friendly University

The "hochschuleundfamilie" audit is a management tool designed to sustainably implement needs-based family-friendly measures at universities.

Based on 13 fields of action and as part of an internal university process, objectives and measures to support family-friendly university policies are outlined and implemented in five clusters. Everyone at the university - students and employees alike – are intended benefit from improving the work/study and life balance.

After being awarded the base certificate in 2011, our university was again confirmed as a family-friendly university in 2015, 2018, and 2021 by the Federal Ministry entrusted with family agendas. In 2016, the JKU placed first and was presented with a state award "Unternehmen für Familien" in the category of "Öffentlich-rechtliche Unternehmen".

The JKU is currently in its third re-audit phase

Click here, opens an external URL in a new window to learn more about the "hochschuleundfamilie" certification on the Familie und Beruf Management GmbH website


Mirjam Strecker, BA
P: +43 732 2468 3028

There are times when being a mom and working in academia can be difficult to balance. Regularly scheduled internal JKU get-togethers (approximately once per semester) give working mothers in academia an opportunity to come together and share ideas as well as information. The get-togethers also aim to enhance our working mothers' visibility in academia and recognize their accomplishments. Depending on the available resources, any ideas, action, or policies generated by the get-togethers could potentially be incorporated into the 'hochschuleundfamilie' audit.

The Motherhood and Science Network (Netzwerk Mutterschaft und Wissenschaft) forum is open to anyone who identifies as a mother* and works in academia. The Forum is a space to share ideas, connect, provide support, and learn from one another.


Click here to learn more: https://www.mutterschaft-wissenschaft.de/, opens an external URL in a new window


Mirjam Strecker, BA
Ph.: +43 732 2468 3028

The JKU offers numerous services for employees who have children to help balance professional responsibilities with childcare.

  • The Kidsversity crèche and daycare center is an internal JKU childcare program for employees. The OÖ Hilfswerk runs the Kidsversity on campus.
  • Kidsversity provides flexible childcare services directly on campus, even during holiday/vacation periods.
  • The regularly scheduled Parent Leave Forums are an important source of information about taking parental leave, including the latest updates. You can also connect with experts and other (expectant) parents.


Mirjam Strecker, BA
P: +43 732 2468 3028

The JKU offers numerous services for students who have children to help balance studies with childcare responsibilities.

  • Kidsversity provides flexible childcare services directly on campus, even during holiday/vacation periods. If you are interested, click here to  learn more.
  • The Austrian Student Union Office of Social Services provides information and consultative services. Click here, opens an external URL in a new window to contact a representative.
  • Click here to learn more about studying as a parent.


Mirjam Strecker, BA
P: +43 732 2468 3028

Employees caring for family members are eligible to take extended full-time or part-time care leave. Detailed information for employees is available in the Work-Life-Compass, opens an external URL in a new window.

We regularly address key issues as part of the UniKid-Unicare event series CAREseiten zeigen, opens an external URL in a new window, presented by selected experts.

"CAREseiten zeigen" - Annual Program of Events (PDF), opens a file


Mirjam Strecker, BA
P: +43 732 2468 3028

The Work-Life Compass is your initial point of contact for any issues related to work-life balance. The program provides assistance to JKU employees and managers to successfully arrange any leaves of absences.

In an effort to help organize any leave of absences and seamlessly return to the JKU, we have divided useful information into three categories – parenthood, caregiving and education - including legal regulations, "to do" lists, and useful advice.

The Work-Life Compass for employees is available here., opens an external URL in a new window


Dr. Luisa Pichler-Baumgartner, BA
Ph.: +43 732 2468 3025

Space for Diversity.
A Welcoming University

The JKU's diversity strategy marks the beginning of a participative process designed to continue building a dynamic and diversity-oriented academic, learning and workplace environment, as well as formalize its efforts to foster and encourage diversity. Our campus is stronger thanks to its plurality of convictions, differing lifestyles, and its employees' diversity. A series of measures divided into five pillars represent the university's commitment to actively supporting and fostering diversity.

Click here to learn more about the JKU's Diversity Strategy.


Mirjam Strecker, BA
Ph.: +43 732 2468 3028

Click here for an overview to learn more about the various, diversity-oriented, counseling services offered at the JKU.

Information regarding contact addresses for various counseling services in Upper Austria/Austria for single parents, members of the transgender/LGBTIQ* community, those who have disabilities or chronic illnesses, family and educational counseling, mobile family support services, emergency situations, crises, and long-term care for family members, is available here (PDF), opens a file.

Since 2020, the European Commission has annually declared May as Diversity Month. The JKU has been actively involved since 2022, working tirelessly to raise awareness about gender equality at all university levels and supporting an awareness-raising anti-discrimination campaign. We all have individually different strengths and weaknesses. We may have different gender identities, disabilities, or not even come from Austria originally, but whether we are students, faculty members, or university employees, together we are the  "JKU" and we want to create the best possible university for everyone.

Click here to learn more about the EU Diversity Month and access an overview of all of the events, programs, and services.


Mirjam Strecker, BA
Ph.: +43 732 2468 3028


The JKU began celebrating Pride Month in 2024 in an effort to raise awareness about LGBTIQ* issues and educate people. There is still a long way to go in terms of recognizing LGBTIQ+ diversity. A great number of people are still unable to freely live their diverse lifestyles and in many places, people in the LGBTIQ+ community are forced to conceal their queer identity and even live in a constant state of fear for their lives. We are committed to standing up and advocating for (marginalized) groups of people who find their place in society repeatedly questioned, and even suppressed. As a pioneering university that considers itself open to the world, it is our job to create space for everyone*!

Click here to learn more: Pride Month


Mirjam Strecker, BA
Ph.: +43 732 2468 3028

Space for Language.
Inclusive University

We have compiled important information and useful pointers based on our language guides at: jku.at/platzfuersprache. Click here for a quick overview of the basic principles behind inclusive language.

The guidelines for use of inclusive language in German at the JKU outlines how everyone can be addressed in their diversity and represented appropriately in terms of language use and images. The guidelines also provide writing tips as to how to use the gender asterisk * in German.

The guidelines are available in several versions as a pdf file.

  • The long version provides detailed information and background information. Download here, opens a file.
  • The short version provides a comprehensive overview. Download here, opens a file.
  • The plain language version shows that inclusive language can be easy to understand. Download here, opens a file.
    This version is especially for those who have learning difficulties or for those for whom German is not their first language.

If you would like printed examples, please contact us by sending an e-mail to: gd(at)jku.at.


Susanne Kalka, BA MA
P: +43 732 2468 3029

Our in-house seminar program for employees continuously offers seminars on the use of inclusive language.

Updated information about our in-house seminars is available here, opens an external URL in a new window.

Additional information about our in-house seminar program is available to employees here, opens an external URL in a new window.

Upon request, we can also offer workshops for individual departments. Please do not hesitate to contact us.


Susanne Kalka, BA MA
P: +43 732 2468 3029

Awards and Scholarships for Women Academics/Scientists

As part of the IRIS-FISCHLMAYR  Awards, funding is provided to support outstanding Diploma/Master's theses and dissertations that include the topic of diversity. The IRIS-FISCHLMAYR Scholarship is a dissertation scholarship to support junior women academics/scientists in fields of engineering and natural sciences.


Click here to learn more.


Susanne Kalka, BA MA
P: +43 732 2468 3029

The ZONTA Award is presented in cooperation with the ZONTA Club Linz and supports a particularly committed female student enrolled in a degree program in the field of engineering and natural sciences.


Click here to learn more.


Susanne Kalka, BA MA
P: +43 732 2468 3029


School Programs to Support Awareness in Gender & Diversity

FIT- Frauen in die Technik (Women in Engineering) is a program in which representatives travel to various local schools and provide information to school-age students, particularly girls and women, about enrolling in a degree program in the field of engineering and natural sciences.


Click here to learn more.



Ing. Mag. Marianne Littringer
P: +43 732 2468 3224

Addressing the topic of prospective career paths as early as elementary school makes good sense. Traditional "male/female" jobs are addressed and students are encouraged to think about their own career aspirations and interests - regardless of gender.

Age-appropriate workshops focus on topics such as equality, gender roles, gender-specific division of labor, etc.. The workshops include both theory exercises as well as hands-on exercises designed to spark an interest in research and encourage kids to explore various fields in engineering and natural sciences.

In cooperation with the Office for Women's Affairs (city of Linz), almost fifty 90-minute workshops have been held in four rounds since the fall of 2016. Over 1,100 children have actively taken part in the program.


On account of Covid-19, our workshops are now available to schools as part of a free online version.


Access the online workshop here, opens an external URL in a new window.


Susanne Kalka, BA MA
P: +43 732 2468 3029


The following school programs focusing on issues to support awareness in gender & diversity and have been completed. You can learn more about the program, its content, concepts and download materials here.

  • MIT-JIP Mädchen in die Technik - Jungen in die Pädagogik - click here to learn more.
  • Auch WIR spielen Fußball! - click here to learn more.
  • Berufsbilder-Berufswahl - rechtzeitig! - click here to learn more.
  • Wir werden, was wir wollen?! - click here to learn more.

Mailing List

The Fem@le-L mailing list is a discussion list about gender studies and women's affairs, women in science/academia and research, and feminist politics. It serves as a:

  • medium to provide information (job openings as part of the plan to support the advancement of women, events, short project presentations, informatiou about new books and journals, reviews, tables of contents, abstracts...),
  • fast, resource-saving tool to support communication and the rapid exchange of information,
  • forum for professional comments, research notes, and inquiries about specific professional topics.


These points are limited to the following subject areas:

  • Research in Gender Studies and Womens' Affairs
  • Women in science, academia, and research
  • Feminist politics

The focus (in terms of content, language and user group) is currently on Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Content and the clearly defined target group guarantee receiving maximum information in a manageable volume. FEM@LE-L means "FEMinistische ALternativE". The mailing list is only as active as its participants. You have an opportunity to communicate electronically with women and men in an academic/scientific and political field. Help us shape it!


General Instructions

  • E-mail address in the distribution list: female-l@jku.at
  • The subject line must clearly indicate the e-mail's content; i.e. Job Ad JKU Linz: Research Assistant
  • Do not send any e-mails that are misogynistic in any way
  • Please avoid e-mail attachments (i.e. PDF, JPG, DOC, etc.) and include any and all important information directly in the e-mail.
  • If you wish to send a reply to everyone in the discussion list, specify female-L@jku.at as the recipient, otherwise only the author will receive the e-mail.
  • Do not initiate or engage in any personal discussions via Female-L.
  • If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


  • Send an e-mailto: female-l-join@jku.at
  • If you experience any problems logging in or out, we can help. Please send an e-mail to: mailman-owner@jku.at

If you have a new e-mail address:

  • If your e-mail address has changed, please let us know by sending an e-mail to: gd@jku.at and we will change the information.

If you would like to unsubscribe:

  • Send an e-mail to: female-l-unsubscribe@jku.at
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