PLEASE NOTE ! Please note: the Department of Controlling is not on duty between Monday, December 23rd and Monday, January 6th.
In urgent cases, please call Nikolija Vukojevic (ext. 3440) on 23.12 and Michelle Lamplmayr (ext. 3340) on 2.-3.1.
We wish you a Happy Holiday season and all the best for the New Year!
The Department of Controlling is responsible for:
Budgeting, Budget Allocation, and Budget Tracking
Budget planning based on fixed and variable expenditures, assessing demand, organizing budget meetings, defining parameters, reallocating the budget, making plan-actual comparisons, providing information for external purposes, examinin solvency, balancing the budget.
Cost Accounting
Support cause-based cost allocation; institute/department cost accounts, internal orders and cost types; internal transfers
Write reports for the SAP system, authorize account users, train and support system users, make ongoing reporting adjustments according to new requirements
External Funding
Provide consulting and advising services to support departments that are qualified to receive external funding.
This includes, among other things, setting up internal orders to facilitate external funding, reporting, creating special budgets and financial commitments, providing support for interim and final audits by funding agencies, project management in terms of current finances, transferring residual funds and closing internal orders when a project ends, calculating and collecting any reimbursement, as well as training and providing support services to those who are required to submit reports.
Department of Controlling
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Straße 69
A-4040 Linz / Austria
Science Park 5, 3rd Floor