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The Rural History Yearbook (JGLR) is a scholarly forum for rural environmental, economic, political, social, and cultural history. It seeks to bridge epochal, spatial, and disciplinary boundaries within rural history. The JGLR has been edited since 2004 at the Department for Rural History in St. Pölten and is published by Studienverlag. An international editorial board and advisory board as well as a peer review process ensure the highest scientific quality.

Ernst Langthaler is managing editor of the JGLR.

The journal Zeitgeschichte sees itself as a scholarly discussion organ with a wide range of content, including political, economic, social, women's and gender history, history of ideas and cultural history. The journal covers the time from the first half of the 20th century to more recent and present-oriented issues. Regular reviews of recent literature are part of Zeitgeschichte's standard program. The publication also sees itself as an opportunity for young scholars. All articles submitted for publication undergo a peer-review process, and a group of editors ensures that international scholarly standards are adhered to and that the journal is up to date. The journal appears six times a year and is edited by the Verein zur wissenschaftlichen Aufarbeitung der Zeitgeschichte at the University of Vienna (Institute of Contemporary History) and is published by Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Michael John and Ernst Langthaler are editors of Zeitgeschichte.

The Austrian Journal of Historical Studies (OeZG) has been in existence since 1990, publishing innovative contributions in German and English on women's and gender history, cultural history, history of science, social history, economic history, and political history. Empirical studies are mainly related to the European area, global comparative studies are welcome. Scientific concepts, theories, and methods are discussed in the essays and also in conversations with researchers, in workshop reports from ongoing projects, and in review essays. Authors come from German, English, Romance, and Slavic language areas. A peer review process and an international advisory board serve to ensure quality. Since 2011, OeZG has been ranked in the highest category (Int 1) in the discipline of History in the ERIH (European Refence Index for the Humanities). The OeZG is published three times a year as an open access journal (with a one-year deadline) on the OJS of the University of Vienna and as a print edition by Studienverlag.

Ernst Langthaler is co-editor of OeZG.

The Journal of World History (ZWG) provides a German-language forum for international debate and research on global and universal history. The ZWG seeks cooperation with regional studies, invites contributors from other disciplines, and addresses a broad public.

ZWG is published in two issues per year, each with about 150 pp. and can be ordered from the publisher: order@peterlang.com.

Klemens Kaps is co-editor of the ZWG.

Commodity Frontiers is the Journal of the Commodity Frontiers Initiative (CFI), opens an external URL in a new window. The Journal explores the history and present of capitalism, contestation, and ecological transformation in the global countryside. Each themed issue includes articles and interviews with experts about studying and teaching commodity frontiers in theory and in practice. The Journal features reflections and reviews on the dynamics of capitalist expansion, social change, and ecological transformation on global as well local scales, in the past and at the present. Commodity Frontiers is a biannual open-access publication housed at the Open Journal System at Wageningen University and distributed through email subscriptions.

Ernst Langthaler is one the the Section Editors of Commodity Frontiers.

Homepage: https://commodityfrontiers.com/journal/, opens an external URL in a new window (journal homepage) and https://repository.library.brown.edu/studio/collections/bdr:skqqun89/, opens an external URL in a new window (OJS Wageningen University)