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Anita Pointner

Administration of the Department of Economics
  • Office hours Monday - Thursday: 7am to 3 pm
    Friday: 7 am to 1 pm

  • On holiday September 25, 2024 to September 27, 2024

Department of Economics


Alexander Ahammer, PhD (Assistant Professor)
Michael Brottrager, MSc (Former Member of the Department)
Dr. Matthias Fahn (Associate Professor)
Lorenz Fischer, PhD (Former Member of the Department)
Gandalialikhani Nadiya (Assistant Professor)
Siegrun Gansch, BSc BA (Former Project Assistant)
Jochen Güntner, Dr. (Univ.-Professor)
Dr. Michael Irlacher (Associate Professor)
Lea-Karla Matić (Project Assistant)
Dr. Johannes Muthers (Former Assistant Professor)
Martin Obladovits (Asststant Prfessor)
Peter Öhlinger (Assistant Professor)
Dr. Dieter Pennerstorfer (Associate Professor)
Daniel Schäfer (Assistant Professor)
Jakob Weber (Project Assistant, ÖNB Projekt Dr. Fahn)

Maximilian Boeck (Lecturer IK Einführung in die Makroökonomie)
Pascal Geoke (Lecturer PS: Bachelorarbeit, 239.305)
Benjamin Karner (Lecturer IK Einführung in die Makroökonomie)
Johannes Lukas (Lecturer IK Einführung in die Makroökonomie)
Florian Wakolbinger (Lecturer IK Einführung in die Mikroökonomie)
Doris Weichselbaumer (Lecturer KS Feminist Economics)

Josef Baumgartner (Tutor KS Einführung in die Makroökonomie, Dr. Güntner)
Georgia Liedringer (Tutorin KS Einführung in die Makroökonomie, Dr. Güntner)
Veronika Sboieva (Tutorin KS Internationale wirtschaftliche Integration, Dr. Irlacher)
Lena Somieski (Tutorin KS Balance of Payments, Dr. Schäfer)
Julia Wenninger (Tutorin KS Daten und Forschungsdesigns in der Ökonomie, Dr. Ahammer)
Ruslana Vyshnivska (Tutorin KS Introduction to Macroeconomics, Prof. Güntner)

Leoni Angermann (Student Research Assistant - LIT Project Dr. Ahammer)
Matthias Überwimmer (Student Research Assistant)