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Dieter Pennerstorfer

Deputy chair of the department of economics

Research Interests:
Applied Industrial Organization, Product Differentiation, Spatial Competition, Regional Economics

Curriculum Vitae

Associate Professor at the Johannes Kepler University Linz at the Department of Economics

Assistant Professor at the Johannes Kepler University Linz at the Department of Economics

Post-doctoral Researcher at the Vienna University of Economics and Business at the Institute of Economic Policy and Industrial Economics (part-time; 50%)

Research staff member at the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), Research Group: Structural Change and Regional Development. (Parental Leave: 02/2010 - 09/2010 and 10/2011 - 05/2012

Research group coordinator of the research group Structural Change and Regional Development at WIFO

Research staff member (prae-doc) at the Institute of Economic Policy and Industrial Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien)

PhD Studies of Economics (Dr. rer. soc. oec.) at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien)
Title of the Doctoral Thesis: Strategic interaction and spatial price competition in the retail gasoline market: a spatial econometric analysis

Master Studies of Economics (Mag. rer. soc. oec.) at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien)

Articles Forthcoming, Under Review and Work in Progress

Pennerstorfer, A., Pennerstorfer, D., Neumayr, M.: Unequal access to childcare in cities: Is equal public funding sufficient? (forthcoming at Urban Studies, link to OnlineFirst, opens an external URL in a new window, Blog, opens an external URL in a new window and Media Coverage, opens an external URL in a new window)

Firgo M., Pennerstorfer D., The causal effect of agritourism on farm survival (forthcoming at Tourism Economics, link to OnlineFirst, opens an external URL in a new window)

Pennerstorfer D., Schindler N., Yontcheva B.: Income inequality and product variety: Empirical evidence (forthcoming at Journal of Economic Geography; link to OnlineFirst, opens an external URL in a new window)

Hackl F., Hölzl-Leitner M., Pennerstorfer D.: How to measure product differentiation (under review; link to Working Paper, opens an external URL in a new window)

Klaesson J., Öner Ö., Pennerstorfer D.: Do co-ethnic commuters disseminate labor market information? Evidence from geocoded register data (under review; link to Working Paper, opens an external URL in a new window)

Pennerstorfer D.Farm exits and competition on the land market: Evidence from spatially explicit data (work in progress; link to Working Paper, opens an external URL in a new window)

Pennerstorfer D.Converting variables between non-hierarchical regions: The case of Austrian municipalities and ZIP-code areas (link to Working Paper, opens an external URL in a new window)

Pennerstorfer D., Weiss C., Huber A.: Experts, reputation and the price of wine (work in progress; link to Working Paper, opens an external URL in a new window)

Lackner S., Pennerstorfer D., Sinabell F, Small C.: What do nightlight measures capture at high spatial resolution? (work in progress)


3 ECTS / 2 hours
in winter term only
Language: German
Academic Program: Bachelor in Business & Economics
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3 ECTS / 2 hours
in summer term only
Language: Englisch
Academic Program: Master Economics and Economic and Business Analytics
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6 ECTS / 4 hours
in winter term only
Language: Englisch
Academic Program: Master Economics
weiterführende Info

3 ECTS / 2 hours
Language: German
Academic Programs: Master Lehramt: Geography and Economics
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3 ECTS / 2 hours
in summer term only
Language: German
Academic Programs: Bachelor Lehramt: Geography and Economics
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Courses (current semester)

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